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The following information is automatically gathered from the contents of Openresearch. To add or remove entries, create or edit the respective pages.


COCOA 2020, IRPS 2020, ICDE 2020, ICDCS 2019, ICUAS 2018, Iot s&p 2017 : Internet of Things Security and Privacy, CPS-SPC 2017, CCS 2017, MIST 2017, IAAS 2017, NANAS 2017, NAHLS 2017, NAAAS 2017, CIS 2017, ICDM 2013, TE 2011, ICASSP 2010, SKM 2008, ISMVL 2008, ISAGST 2007, MM&Sec 2007, GLOBECOM 2004, PODS 2000, MobiCom 1998