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MobiSys 2022, IEEE Cluster 2021, SIGMOD 2020, PODS 2020, PLOP 2018, IEEE ECCE 2018, CSCW 2017, PLDI 2015, OOPSLA 2014, ACC 2014, ISCA 2012, OOPSLA 2011, ACL 2011, MTAGS 2009, ARITH 2009, ARFTG 2008, FMCAD 2008, SIGAda 2008, ASTR 2008, ICPP 2008, IEEE IWEA 2008, ISPD 2008, SIGCSE 2008, PODC 2007, ISLPED 2007, OOPSLA 2006, ICFP 2006, CHI 2005, ICSE 2003, JCDL 2002, POPL 2002, PODC 2000, AAAI 1996, SSTD 1995, OOPSLA 1994, POPL 1994, ISSAC 1989, PLDI 1989, SIGMOD 1989, OOPSLA 1986, PODS 1985