Prague is located in Czech Republic
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ICBRA 2025, ICBEB 2025, RSAE 2023, ICRoM 2023, ICRSG 2023, IPAI 2023, ALIFE 2021, MMM 2021, DS-RT 2020, MFCS 2020, ENASE 2020, CSEDU 2020, CARDIS 2019, ECMR 2019, ICSoft 2019, GECCO 2019, TACAS 2019, ETAPS 2019, SEAA 2018, ICALP 2018, EPS 2018, LCES 2017, QRS 2017, IRS 2017, KESW 2016, ECMLPKDD 2013, DEXA 2013, EuroSys 2013, ARCS 2013, ARES 2012, ICASSP 2011, QoSA 2010, ADVC 2009, ISGIG 2009, Stringology 2009, SISAP 2009, WTS 2009, ICES 2008, CIA 2008, ICANN 2008, Stringology 2008, ISPS'08, SERA 2008, CVISP 2008, ECRTS 2008, WCET '08, EW 2008, PTM 2007, CBF 2007, Clinical Biomarkers 2007... further results