Search results
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- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2007247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2006247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2005247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2004247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2003247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2002247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2001247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2000247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 1999247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 1998246 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 1997246 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 1996247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 1995247 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 1993246 bytes (23 words) - 20:42, 15 August 2008
- Tool descriptions and case studies with a conceptual message, as well as theoretical papers with clear relevance for tool constr * Abstraction techniques for modeling and validation;4 KB (543 words) - 15:39, 16 July 2020
- | Title = International Conference on Conceptual Modeling112 bytes (12 words) - 00:18, 20 August 2008
- studies, surveys, meta-analyses, empirical studies, systematic reviews, conceptual explorations, innovative ideas, critical appraisals, etc. related to: * business and software modeling languages,7 KB (959 words) - 13:51, 27 December 2015
- - Conceptual clustering - Modeling of linguistic theories and ontological knowledge:6 KB (857 words) - 03:56, 15 September 2009
- their applications. We welcome papers that are theoretical, conceptual, Modeling and Simulation4 KB (503 words) - 10:36, 18 October 2008
- * Bayesian models of the brain, and causal modeling of behaviour for neurology; * Modeling brain information processing mechanisms (e.g., information organization, ne6 KB (692 words) - 22:59, 30 May 2016