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Create the page "Cultural studies" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- |Title=Asian Conference on Asian Studies field of Asian Studies. The conference theme is "Learning from the Past:2 KB (301 words) - 18:17, 12 November 2020
- |Title=Asian Conference on Cultural Studies |Superevent=Asian Conference on Asian Studies 20112 KB (277 words) - 18:43, 12 November 2020
- * Case studies and experiences based on requirements engineering * Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in requirements engineering2 KB (272 words) - 15:30, 15 October 2008
- no synergies across participants from different cultural and professional backgrounds social behaviour, common interests, e.g., studies, hobbies, games. Wikipedia has6 KB (790 words) - 22:08, 13 August 2008
- ...ary understanding of its engineering, technical, economic, legal and socio-cultural dynamics. *Studies of F/OSS deployment: Current studies and future issues10 KB (1,349 words) - 15:42, 24 September 2008
- ...areness of young people in relationship to environment, cultural heritage, cultural roots of minorities, local identity vs. wider community identity. Finally, * Ethnographic and case studies of children’s use of interactive systems in schools, at home, in hospital5 KB (631 words) - 04:50, 14 October 2008
- ...tic and literary forms of knowledge to spread across vast geographical and cultural distance. One of the realms in which the force of translation is most evide ...ive expression and technique converged, scholars in the fields of literary studies, history and religion, among others, began examining more closely the ways6 KB (849 words) - 04:50, 14 October 2008
- research addressing the social, political, cultural and educational * Case Studies and Testbeds6 KB (899 words) - 08:22, 28 June 2012
- ...of submissions are encouraged that reflect the different types of research studies that are being carried out. The symposium will encourage a diversity of vie # HRI field studies in naturalistic environments7 KB (1,033 words) - 15:35, 9 October 2020
- The deadline for SHORT PAPERS, INDUSTRY CASE STUDIES & Short Papers/Case studies/Demos/Doc consortium:7 KB (957 words) - 21:45, 14 October 2008
- technical and socio-cultural perspectives. Topics will include collaboration social scientific analyses of intercultural interaction, and case studies that5 KB (742 words) - 22:02, 14 October 2008
- User interaction studies Controlled Studies and Usability Testing3 KB (361 words) - 21:55, 14 October 2008
- Institute of Psychology RAS, The Interregional Association for Cognitive Studies, and the Russian Language Development Centre announce the Third Internation ...the same time, papers on all other major issues in contemporary cognitive studies will be welcomed.4 KB (530 words) - 22:01, 14 October 2008
- Case studies and empirical findings cultural fluency9 KB (1,256 words) - 09:56, 20 November 2020
- ...cused game research, along with game-oriented education research, and game studies and game design research. The goal of the conference is the advancement of ...telligence, b) computer science and games education, c) databases, d) game studies/game design, e) graphics and interfaces and f ) networking and security. Pa9 KB (1,275 words) - 13:46, 27 December 2015
- ...pplications in all areas of literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical studies, including interdisciplinary aspects of modern scholarship ...hitecture, music, film, theatre, new media, and other areas reflecting our cultural heritage7 KB (1,033 words) - 22:08, 14 October 2008
- * Case studies and experiences based on requirements engineering * Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in requirements engineering7 KB (972 words) - 21:56, 4 February 2009
- ...ere has never been a greater need for interaction and understanding across cultural, intellectual, and other boundaries. Whether the context is international p ...owledge representation, philosophy, interaction design, negotiation, media studies)9 KB (1,139 words) - 22:14, 14 October 2008
- | Title = Information Access to Cultural Heritage workshop Information Access to Cultural Heritage (IACH) workshop4 KB (491 words) - 22:16, 14 October 2008
- Services Engineering Practices and Case Studies Cultural, Language, Social and Legal Obstacles in Services-Centric Business Models18 KB (2,352 words) - 22:23, 14 October 2008