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- 26 bytes (2 words) - 10:46, 8 August 2017
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- engineering, software engineering, as well as databases and information systems. Sören is author (respectively co-author) of over 100 peer-reviewed scient ...ication domains: enterprise data integration, Industry 4.0, cyber-physical systems, smart cities, digital humanities9 KB (1,234 words) - 11:57, 10 July 2019
- ...d applications, and interactions of these applications with other types of systems. Management aspects related to these applications and challenges on special ...applications’ and special devices’ industry. Developing entertainment systems and applications for a unique user or multiple users requires special platf18 KB (2,408 words) - 01:37, 16 December 2008
- ...ory, design and application of computer networks and distributed computing systems. Aside from the regular presentations, the conference will include keynote * Dependable and Autonomic Systems34 KB (4,565 words) - 21:20, 10 January 2018
- ...eory,design and application of computer networks and distributed computing systems. Aside from the regular presentations, the conference will include keynote ** Dependable and Autonomic Systems8 KB (1,037 words) - 21:20, 10 January 2018
- ...ory, design and application of computer networks and distributed computing systems. Aside from the regular presentations, the conference will include keynote ** Dependable and Autonomic Systems9 KB (1,189 words) - 21:20, 10 January 2018
- systems. Aside from the regular presentations, the conference will include ** Dependable and Autonomic Systems26 KB (3,456 words) - 21:20, 10 January 2018
- IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Vehicular Systems (CIVVS 2009) IEEE Workshop on Evolving and Self-Developing Intelligent Systems (ESDID 2009)3 KB (376 words) - 16:47, 14 October 2008
- | Title = The 6th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems | Field = Embedded systems3 KB (375 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- International Conference on Hybrid Systems: ...heory, as well as two additional areas of special emphasis: cyber-physical systems and embedded applications, benchmarks and tools.8 KB (939 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- '''Track 1: Investigations of Human Information Processing Systems (HIPS) and Computational Foundations of Brain Science''' * HIPS complex systems;6 KB (692 words) - 22:59, 30 May 2016
- landscape because it will enable new breeds of applications and systems to systems.7 KB (942 words) - 19:05, 14 October 2008
- • Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, Adaptive Antenna Systems • Communciations Systems Software5 KB (530 words) - 09:27, 24 June 2011
- ...ital Services in eESociety, eGovernment /eGovernance, eHealth, Information Systems, and Information Management. These broad areas are divided into more detai - Delivery Systems and Environments6 KB (780 words) - 19:06, 14 October 2008
- ...= Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems ...tificial and computational intelligence as well as intelligent information systems.2 KB (193 words) - 19:06, 14 October 2008
- New Learning Support Systems3 KB (349 words) - 21:56, 14 October 2008
- ...first-rate research that defines the cutting edge of future translations systems; case studies on practical uses of current translation systems in government and industry;16 KB (2,200 words) - 19:51, 18 February 2021
- ...less sensors are a key enabling technology for the emerging cyber-physical systems, which will ultimately improve the quality of life. To realize the full pot Wireless Sensor/Actuator Network, Sensor Web, Sensor Network, Sensor Design, Cyber-Physical System, Smart Space, Pervasive Computing.4 KB (600 words) - 15:30, 5 July 2020
- Handheld Devices and Systems Information and Communication Systems3 KB (427 words) - 16:01, 29 May 2016
- ...or networks, wireless/mobile (and ad hoc) networks, personal communication systems. * Security for peer-to-peer and overlay network systems.5 KB (673 words) - 22:19, 14 October 2008
- | Title = The First International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems537 bytes (60 words) - 22:23, 14 October 2008