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Create the page "Agile development" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- |dissertation title=Towards Agile Knowledge Engineering - Methodology, Concepts and Tools * Knowledge Representation and Management, in particular agile, light-weight methodologies and social semantic collaboration9 KB (1,234 words) - 11:57, 10 July 2019
- ...uted, End-user Centered Requirements Engineering for Evolutionary Software Development ...t SoftWiki is to support the collaboration of all stakeholders in software development processes in particular with respect to software requirements. Potentially2 KB (288 words) - 11:07, 24 September 2008
- ** F/OSS development environments ** Lessons from F/OSS for conventional development10 KB (1,349 words) - 15:42, 24 September 2008
- ...deration by researchers and practitioners involved in large-scale software development and integration. An innovative idea and important highlight of all ENASE co ...means that ENASE does not exclude more traditional approaches to software development and integration. On the contrary, ENASE endeavors to compare novel with tra7 KB (959 words) - 13:51, 27 December 2015
- to those involving new and emerging technologies, applications and development methods. EICS will be inclusive, bringing together researchers and practiti * user interface development tools (including design, implementation, testing)4 KB (575 words) - 13:56, 27 December 2015
- ...tional Workshop on the Interplay between Usability Evaluation and Software Development and Software Development (I-USED 2008)10 KB (1,369 words) - 21:53, 14 October 2008
- ever-expanding and critical fields of software development and - Software Development Processes: development methods and =9 KB (1,193 words) - 21:53, 14 October 2008
- * Agile documentation processes for information design, time management systems, and project management systems: design, development, and impact3 KB (460 words) - 22:12, 14 October 2008
- papers to ICCCE�??08, addressing issues that serve present and future development of the field. * Software Engineering and Agile Development2 KB (283 words) - 22:13, 14 October 2008
- | Title = SITIS track on Open Source Software Development and Solutions SITIS 2008 - Track Open Source Software Development and Solutions (OSSDS)5 KB (697 words) - 22:18, 14 October 2008
- ...un-time. Requirements Engineering (RE) sets the stage for quality, both at development- and run-time. In spite of the constant emergence of new technologies and d ...enhances the quality of software and systems, both when challenged by new development paradigms or technologies, but also when needed to establish proven RE prac4 KB (503 words) - 22:18, 14 October 2008
- ...deration by researchers and practitioners involved in large-scale software development and integration. ...means that ENASE does not exclude more traditional approaches to software development and integration. On the contrary, ENASE endeavors to compare novel with tra4 KB (463 words) - 12:54, 18 October 2008
- ...n heterogeneous networks. There exist different kinds of complexity in the development of software. Software systems grew larger, the focus shifted from the compl - Support for iterative and agile processes6 KB (778 words) - 22:22, 14 October 2008
- | Title = Agile Development Practices 2007 Conference522 bytes (57 words) - 11:58, 27 December 2015
- subject of continuous development with a constant participation of its this vision the development of Open Design Spaces supporting User6 KB (876 words) - 02:47, 16 December 2008
- o Agile methods, component-based, model-driven, grid-based software engineering o Open source software development5 KB (567 words) - 11:58, 18 January 2009
- ...Conference on Software Engineering Approaches For Offshore and Outsourced Development ...ion has been affecting this model over recent years: a massive transfer of development activities from the US and Europe to a skilled labour force in service-prov6 KB (857 words) - 12:01, 18 January 2009
- min) to discuss further development of knowledge management and Web 3.0. * Agile project management and social semantic services7 KB (890 words) - 12:01, 18 January 2009
- discussing patterns and software development efforts. The simplicity * Develop an agenda for future research and development to advance the state of the art.4 KB (562 words) - 23:30, 27 January 2009
- * Methodologies and process improvement models (Agile, PMBOK, ITIL, Six Sigma, etc.) * Leading the development process2 KB (299 words) - 15:33, 27 February 2009