Search results
Create the page "Automated Deduction" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- around the question of how to introduce a form of automated reasoning amount to posing queries that use deduction to obtain results instead5 KB (696 words) - 17:29, 8 November 2008
- Automata theory; automated deduction; constructive and non-5 KB (698 words) - 22:08, 14 October 2008
-, topics of interest for submissions include: automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics, concurrency and distributed computation, co2 KB (285 words) - 14:11, 7 November 2016
- * automated deduction5 KB (656 words) - 10:29, 27 August 2020
- |Title=International Conference on Automated Deduction250 bytes (31 words) - 08:50, 20 November 2020
- representation, and automated reasoning, there is an obvious need for * combination of deduction systems and computer algebra;5 KB (669 words) - 12:03, 18 January 2009
- |Title=International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning IJCAR 2020 is the merger of the following leading events in automated reasoning:938 bytes (116 words) - 09:03, 20 November 2020
- |Field=Automated Deduction226 bytes (29 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction254 bytes (31 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction211 bytes (27 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction243 bytes (31 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction235 bytes (31 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction233 bytes (28 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction255 bytes (31 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction213 bytes (27 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction216 bytes (28 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction211 bytes (28 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction214 bytes (28 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction210 bytes (27 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016
- |Field=Automated Deduction267 bytes (34 words) - 18:56, 28 October 2016