Search results
Create the page "Communication" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- Scholarly communication involves the creation, publication, dissemination and discovery of academic514 bytes (65 words) - 14:21, 13 March 2020
- |title=Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal |Title=Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal5 KB (653 words) - 15:59, 29 May 2016
- |Title=Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal - UbiCC Journal |Field=Ubiquitous Computing and Communication2 KB (309 words) - 12:26, 19 January 2010
- 0 bytes (0 words) - 14:23, 15 February 2017
- |Title=VLSICS 2017 : International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VLSI DESIGN & COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (VLSICS)4 KB (527 words) - 12:28, 28 July 2017
- 24 bytes (2 words) - 10:58, 8 August 2017
- EI--CCISP 2017 : EI--2017 2nd International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing|Title=EI--CCISP 2017 : EI--2017 2nd International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing 2017 2nd International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing2 KB (327 words) - 12:30, 28 July 2017
- ...ICTCE - Ei 2017 : 2017 International Conference on Telecommunications and Communication Engineering (ICTCE 2017)--Ei Compendex, Scopus and ISI ACM--2017 International Conference on Telecommunications and Communication4 KB (524 words) - 12:30, 28 July 2017
- 23 bytes (2 words) - 10:46, 8 August 2017
- |Title=ICCNS - Ei 2017 : ACM--2017 the 7th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex ★Full name:ACM--2017 the 7th International Conference on Communication and2 KB (216 words) - 12:34, 28 July 2017
- |Title=ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication4 KB (580 words) - 19:58, 12 November 2020
- |Title=ICNCC - Ei 2017 : ACM--2017 VI International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (ICNCC 2017)--EI & Scopus ACM--2017 VI International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing1 KB (183 words) - 12:19, 28 July 2017
- |Title=ICCIS 2017 : 2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Information Systems (ICCIS 2017)--SCOPUS, EI Compendex 2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Information Systems2 KB (212 words) - 12:19, 28 July 2017
- 26 bytes (3 words) - 19:43, 12 November 2020
- 27 bytes (2 words) - 10:51, 3 September 2017
- 23 bytes (2 words) - 10:55, 8 August 2017
- 24 bytes (2 words) - 10:56, 8 August 2017
- ...: Special Issue on Cybersecurity in the Internet of Things - Security and Communication Networks Journal4 KB (547 words) - 08:58, 21 August 2017
- |Title=ICCET - Ei 2018 : 2018 International Conference on Communication Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2018)--ISI, Ei compendex & Scopus 2018 International Conference on Communication Engineering and Technology (ICCET1 KB (131 words) - 08:58, 21 August 2017
- |Title=Analysing Scholarly Communication Metadata of Computer Science Events |Keywords=Scientific Events, Scholarly Communication, Semantic Publishing, Metadata Analysis4 KB (596 words) - 13:37, 5 July 2018
Page text matches
- ...have been made. Session correlation, service types, contract theories and communication patterns are only few examples of the aspects that have been investigated.7 KB (957 words) - 14:15, 11 August 2008
- * Communication complexity2 KB (227 words) - 14:39, 21 October 2020
- Mobile and pervasive computing and communication are enabled at an unprecedented scale13 KB (1,468 words) - 00:23, 22 August 2008
- ...edia, the OpenCourseWare authoring platform or the scholarly communication metadata platform The technology Sören develops with his ...Video], [ Slides]9 KB (1,234 words) - 11:57, 10 July 2019
- ** Communication: languages, semantics, pragmatics, protocols, and conversations6 KB (777 words) - 21:54, 14 August 2008
- * K. Hiramatsu, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan6 KB (887 words) - 17:02, 10 November 2011
- ..., Bali (Indonesia), and Singapore from 2012-2018. Its mission is to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific *Communication and Information Theory5 KB (571 words) - 08:22, 19 July 2019
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1983326 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1984326 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1986327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1987326 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1988327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1989326 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1990327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1991327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1992327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1993327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1994326 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1995327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008
- | Title= Annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication 1996327 bytes (35 words) - 21:16, 18 August 2008