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- Electromagnetic wave radiation. Theory and engineering of transmission lines and filters. Semiconductors, ferrites, ferroelectrics, and metamateri TPC-5: Decentralized Power Systems, Power Control, Renewable Energy.6 KB (694 words) - 22:17, 14 October 2008
-, Energy distribution, storage and recovery, Alternative and green energy, Waste management, Waste treatment and recycling, Water network and securit ...ation, test or analysis of electronic components and systems. Acquisition, transmission, processing, fusion, management, simulation and display of information for4 KB (561 words) - 22:29, 14 October 2008
- | Title = IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Power and Energy Systems8 KB (1,082 words) - 22:40, 14 October 2008
- * High data rate transmission systems * Energy-aware Networking14 KB (1,518 words) - 12:01, 18 January 2009
- ...ligent allocation, cross-layer optimisation, and intelligent content-aware transmission. * Energy-efficient multimedia gathering, transmission, traffic management, and sensor data management7 KB (950 words) - 10:35, 2 August 2009
- ...s in order to preserve the natural environment and efficiently exploit the energy, which is a limited resource. Hence, from 2010 onward, ISABEL will also loo '''Track 1: ICT for Life (Healthcare and Energy):'''6 KB (758 words) - 17:02, 6 January 2010
- |Title=5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies The 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies4 KB (576 words) - 07:22, 24 July 2019
- |Title=6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies The 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies (ICRET 2020). The conference will be held in Perth, Australia6 KB (812 words) - 08:23, 24 July 2019
- Track 1: ICT for Life (Safety, Healthcare and Energy) Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transmission6 KB (776 words) - 17:20, 4 March 2011
- ...Neurons and Neural Networks, Brain-computer Interface, Models of Synaptic Transmission, Models of Neuron Population and Visual Cortex and others); • Science of Global Challenges (Advanced Energy, Astrophysics, Virology, Genetics, Strategic Analysis and others).2 KB (306 words) - 13:54, 12 November 2020
- ...ided transmission have reached maturity, theories related to high mobility transmission background remains largely unexploited. In high mobility scenarios, there e - Transmission cooperation strategy4 KB (532 words) - 12:08, 2 March 2012
- ...y communications; Power constraints; Video broadcast; Multicell networks; Energy harvesting; Interference avoidance; MIMO and massive MIMO; Channel feedback ...nable cities; Public data centers; Traffic profiles in data centers; Smart energy; Car Connectivity; Green communications systems13 KB (1,580 words) - 18:35, 18 February 2021
- |Field=SMART GRIDS, ENERGY-AWARE SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS ...t Grids, Green Information and Communication Technologies, Sustainability, Energy Aware Systems and Technologies.5 KB (649 words) - 09:44, 21 June 2012
- |Field=energy transmission, distribut, energy generation and storage, management and control, policies456 bytes (54 words) - 14:09, 17 August 2016
- - Transmission, access and optical system SUSTAINABLE COMMUNICATIONS AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY6 KB (873 words) - 12:30, 28 July 2017
- design, including system capacity, energy efficiency, and quality of user cross-layer and co-operative transmission techniques.3 KB (372 words) - 12:30, 28 July 2017
- Green communications and energy efficiency Communications Transmission4 KB (524 words) - 12:30, 28 July 2017
- Sustainable Energy Technologies: Bio-energy and Geo-energy5 KB (663 words) - 10:54, 3 September 2017
- ...tures for image and video processing; Distributed Iinformation processing, transmission and storage over networks; High speed signal processing and architectures; ...Full home automation and home applications; Smart homes and cities; Global energy sources; Space and defense 6G-oriented technologies; Integrated satellite-t10 KB (1,215 words) - 13:46, 19 April 2020
- |Acronym=ENERGY 2020 ...Tenth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies10 KB (1,331 words) - 13:52, 19 April 2020