Search results
Create the page "Extreme programming" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- |Title=15th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning ...wned researchers in the areas of automated reasoning, computational logic, programming languages and their applications come to present cutting-edge results, to d5 KB (799 words) - 20:49, 26 February 2020
- Evolving OpenMP in an Age of Extreme Parallelism premier event focusing on parallel programming with OpenMP. The3 KB (460 words) - 22:39, 14 October 2008
- * Extreme Modeling and Extreme Programming4 KB (464 words) - 10:38, 4 September 2020
- * Extreme Modeling and Extreme Programming3 KB (340 words) - 10:27, 4 September 2020
- * Extreme Modeling and Extreme Programming3 KB (361 words) - 09:38, 4 September 2020
- |Field=, agile methods,agile software development,extreme programming597 bytes (59 words) - 09:36, 26 November 2017
- |Title=25th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems ...h, intersecting computer architecture, hardware and emerging technologies, programming languages and compilers, operating systems, and networking. The 25th ASPLOS4 KB (547 words) - 11:27, 30 September 2019
- Name changed in 2010, was International Conference on extreme Programming and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering312 bytes (39 words) - 15:27, 14 February 2021
- ...ic commerce and trading systems Multi-agent constraint satisfaction; Agent programming languages, development environments and testbeds; Computational complexity Mobile communications; Multimedia and visual programming; Multimedia and decision making; Multimedia systems; Mobile multimedia syst18 KB (2,036 words) - 01:36, 10 July 2020
- ...cations-oriented software; Interactive Big data processing; Crowd-Sourcing Programming; Open source challenges; Emphasizing non-functional requirements; Cognitive ...nted, incremental, stratified, etc.); Requirement specification languages; Programming languages; Automation of software design and implementation; Software desig13 KB (1,573 words) - 11:00, 10 July 2020
- *Extreme Modeling and Extreme Programming4 KB (447 words) - 11:37, 4 September 2020
- * Extreme Modeling and Programming4 KB (478 words) - 10:05, 11 September 2020
- ...liency and elasticity approaches; Scalable petascale data-driven approach; Extreme scale technologies; Task characterization-driven scheduling; Data analytics Programming models11 KB (1,325 words) - 14:01, 18 February 2021