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Create the page "Medicine" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- 15 bytes (2 words) - 05:22, 7 February 2009
- | Acronym = Clinical Medicine: Reproductive Health 2009 | Title = Call for papers for Clinical Medicine: Reproductive Health from Dr Zeev Blumenfeld3 KB (386 words) - 16:41, 10 February 2021
- | Acronym = Clinical Medicine: Psychiatry 2009 | Title = Call for papers for Clinical Medicine: Psychiatry from Dr Jaswinder Kaur Ghuman3 KB (447 words) - 16:39, 10 February 2021
Page text matches
- and medicine. The SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, Berkeley, USA)6 KB (790 words) - 22:08, 13 August 2008
- ...p, archival science and practice, museum studies and practice, technology, medicine, social sciences, and humanities. JCDL 2009 will be held in Austin, Texas.3 KB (498 words) - 20:15, 11 January 2017
- ...ices and health management networks), tele-physical operations (e.g., tele-medicine), and consumer electronics (video games, audio/video processing, and mobile8 KB (939 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- .... It was started in 1969 by a group of young scientists working in nuclear medicine. With a few iterations the conference expanded into other areas and became4 KB (569 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- * e-Science, e-Health, and e-Medicine;6 KB (692 words) - 22:59, 30 May 2016
- Mario Lauria, The Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Italy19 KB (2,503 words) - 12:25, 28 October 2020
- • Pattern Recognition, Medical Applications and Tele-Medicine5 KB (530 words) - 09:27, 24 June 2011
- ..., Agriculture Industry, High Voltage Systems, Information Security, Games, Medicine, Military, Music, Nanotechnologies, Other Areas of Computer Science and Inf3 KB (359 words) - 19:06, 14 October 2008
- * Medicine4 KB (518 words) - 19:06, 14 October 2008
- ...brings together academic and industrial scientists from molecular biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics, and statistics.6 KB (765 words) - 19:06, 14 October 2008
- ...scovery, insurance risk, epidemiology, environmental forecasting, clinical medicine, proteomics and genomics, and state-of-the-art research from leading academ2 KB (283 words) - 19:37, 11 February 2009
- ...suite of specific domain applications, such as gaming, e-learning, social, medicine, teleconferencing and engineering. MED APPS: Applications in medicine3 KB (371 words) - 11:58, 7 January 2021
- Dina Demner-Fushman (National Library of Medicine, USA)10 KB (1,326 words) - 22:19, 13 December 2017
- * narrative in and of social institutions, e.g. clinical practice (therapy, medicine), education, politics, media, marketing, public relations2 KB (241 words) - 22:02, 14 October 2008
- ...enough job (though of course, there are gaps in any society's knowledge of medicine).Also, as a last note, in many cases it's not English killing off smaller l2 KB (281 words) - 12:24, 1 March 2012
- | Title = Languages in Biology and Medicine511 bytes (56 words) - 22:02, 14 October 2008
- | Title = 12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine The European Society for Artificial Intelligence in MEdicine (AIME), was established in 1986 with two main goals:7 KB (924 words) - 22:03, 14 October 2008
- on the broad impact of artificial intelligence on science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. The conference will include panel di7 KB (1,077 words) - 22:03, 14 October 2008
- ...daptive control; Adaptive intelligent systems on the WWW; Applications in: Medicine, Health, Information Technologies, Horticulture, Agriculture, Bio-security,5 KB (699 words) - 22:04, 14 October 2008
- * SPECIAL SESSION ON SEMANTIC ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION IN MEDICINE (organized by Thomas Wittenberg, FhG Erlangen, DE)4 KB (490 words) - 15:48, 15 October 2008