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- 29 bytes (2 words) - 11:30, 3 September 2017
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- ...discipline with both solid scientific foundations and software engineering development methodologies supported by dedicated tools. In particular, we will encourag7 KB (957 words) - 14:15, 11 August 2008
- * Model-Driven Development and Model Transformation, ...ute original papers in all areas of experimental computing and application development relevant to the theme of the track. This includes the following categories4 KB (568 words) - 19:02, 20 August 2008
- development process. In general, there is no methodology that BIZYCLE of collaborative development of methodologies and tools9 KB (1,151 words) - 17:27, 13 October 2008
- * Principles and methodologies for collaborative software design and development development for the special issue are welcome, and should be submitted to the6 KB (790 words) - 22:08, 13 August 2008
- ...erent communities that share common interests in, and techniques for, tool development and its algorithmic foundations. The research areas covered by such communi4 KB (543 words) - 15:39, 16 July 2020
- ...tics which must be addressed, such as a varied user population, very short development turnaround times, diverse runtime environments, accessibility through multi ...ematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches towards the cost-effective development and evolution of high-quality, ubiquitously usable Web-based systems and ap6 KB (871 words) - 04:51, 26 August 2008
- model-driven development of high integrity applications, in application or tool development projects, are an integral part of5 KB (715 words) - 16:43, 11 September 2008
- ...her]] & [[has author::Thorsten Berger]]. Service-Oriented Product Lines: A Development Process and Feature Management Model for Web Services ...ggi]]; & [[has author::Giuseppe Visaggio]]. Business Process Lines for SOA Development through the Software Product Lines Paradigm6 KB (753 words) - 15:58, 12 February 2009
- * development methodologies for design, development, testing, analysis, and verification of correct5 KB (614 words) - 16:22, 11 September 2008
- * Industry, demo and scientific research & development papers and6 KB (767 words) - 11:34, 13 September 2008
- ...deration by researchers and practitioners involved in large-scale software development and integration. An innovative idea and important highlight of all ENASE co ...means that ENASE does not exclude more traditional approaches to software development and integration. On the contrary, ENASE endeavors to compare novel with tra7 KB (959 words) - 13:51, 27 December 2015
- Internet and Information Systems Development Software Development Tools2 KB (293 words) - 09:35, 24 June 2011
- ...hers to exchange ideas and experiences in the most innovative research and development in these challenging areas and includes all technical aspects related to au - AC/OC Tools and Interfaces: Tools/interfaces for AC/OC system development, test, monitoring, assessment, supervision, etc.9 KB (1,216 words) - 16:32, 14 October 2008
- the development of new game-theoretic methodologies that can be applied in6 KB (722 words) - 16:32, 14 October 2008
- ...ligence and Law (IAAIL), an organization devoted to promoting research and development in the field of AI and Law with members throughout the world. ICAIL provide7 KB (998 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- Design, development, and validation of tools for incident detection and decision support became ...alading effects induced by different kind of dependencies present in CISs. Development of decision support tools for critical infrastructures should be validated7 KB (960 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- algorithms. We also encourage papers addressing issues in tools for the development of reliable, scalable, and efficient real-time and embedded systems. Experi8 KB (939 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- ...USA, Australia, China and Eastern Europe, have played a major role in the development of object technology field; many of the seminal concepts were first present ...eighbouring fields, in particular model-based development, component-based development, and patterns (design, analysis and other applications); more generally, an3 KB (328 words) - 19:05, 14 October 2008
- A recent development in the related field of learning support is constituted by personal learnin ...m various disciplines), methodical contributions up to technical prototype development and gathering experiences from evaluations.7 KB (872 words) - 19:05, 14 October 2008
- The joint ACM SIGMETRICS / Performance conference solicits papers on the development and application of state-of-the-art, broadly applicable analytic, simulatio3 KB (361 words) - 20:16, 14 October 2008