New York
New York is located in USA
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INFOCOM 2023, CSCW 2021, AHFE 2021, ICA3PP 2020, AAAI 2020, WINE 2019, SenSys 2019, ISC 2019, ACM-BCB 2019, ASAP 2019, ARMA 2019, ISSAC 2018, SIGMIS CPR 2018, DCOSS 2018, SmartCloud 2017, MLDM 2017, MobiSys 2017, Debt and Slavery 2017, MobiCom 2016, COLT 2016, IJCAI 2016, LICS 2016, ICML 2016, ICMR 2016, ACNS 2015, LAK 2015, KDD 2014, PODS 2013, SIGMOD 2013, CARS 2009, ICS 2009, ICELW 2009, ALENEX 2009, World Congress on IT 2008, ICWE 2008, ACNS 2008, WSS 2008, Integrative Physiology 2008, SCI 2008, Co-Next 2007, CollaborateCom 2007, MRAconf 2007, MOS in ND 2007, MHE 2007, PERCOM 2007, WISE 2005, ACNS 2005, AAMAS 2004, WWW 2004, ICAC 2004... further results