Property:Has location city

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name city
label City
documentation The property Has location city can be used to specify the city where a street, building, event, etc. is located in.

It is of the datatype Page and a special case of the Property:Located in. Other properties for specifying locations are: property:Has location country, property:Has location state and property:Has location address. When specifying the city in which an academic event takes or took place, using this property is not needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite but strongly recommended.

type Page
primary key false
mandatory false
values from
allow nulls?
topic Event

The property Has location city can be used to specify the city where a street, building, event, etc. is located in.

It is of the datatype Page and a special case of the Property:Located in. Other properties for specifying locations are: property:Has location country, property:Has location state and property:Has location address.


When specifying the city in which an academic event takes or took place, using this property is not needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite but strongly recommended.

Wikidata property id: P131

RQ-Wiki property: EventCity

PTP property: city

Crossref property: conference_location

WikiCFP property: locality

DataCite property: geoLocation or geoLocationPlace

Maps to AEON: occurs in city

Usage guideline

  • Geonames geographical name decoding is used.
  • It can be checked at geonames whether the geographical name exists or not.
  • If it exits, then the geographical coordinate of the name can be decoded and the map view can be rendered.
  • An alternative name for existing can be created, see geonames manual.
  • If it does not exist, then it can be created. Detail information can be checked at geonames manual.
  • Normally it takes a few days until the API can decode the newly added name, see geonames update.


Facts about "Has location city"
ConfIDent property namecity +
Crossref propertyconference_location +
DataCite propertygeoLocation + and geoLocationPlace +
IsAProperty +
MapsToAEONAEON_0000087 +
Needed for DOI registrationfalse +
PTP propertycity +
Priority Milestoneiteration 1 +
Property documentationThe property Has loca
The property Has location city can be used to specify the city where a street, building, event, etc. is located in.

It is of the datatype Page and a special case of the Property:Located in. Other properties for specifying locations are: property:Has location country, property:Has location state and property:Has location address.

When specifying the city in which an academic event takes or took place, using this property is not needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite but strongly recommended.
trongly recommended. +
Property labelCity +
Property mandatoryfalse +
Property namecity +
Property primaryKeyfalse +
Property topicEvent +
Property typePage +
RQ schema propertyEventCity +
TargetEntitiesCity +
Usage obligationrecommended +
Used forConcept:Event +
WikiCFP propertylocality +
Wikidata propertyP131 +
Subproperty of
This property is a special property in this wiki.
Located in +
Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Page +