Budapest is located in Hungary
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(ICEER 2025) (Europe), ICMCE 2024, ICMIT 2024, KEOD 2020, NOMS 2020, IM 2020, NetStore 2020, KES 2019, ADBIS 2018, SIGCOMM 2018, FoIKS 2018, Ei SCOPUS--IARCE 2017 : 2017 International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering, CICLing 2017, PERCOM 2014, DSN 2013, ICC 2013, COLT 2011, AAMAS 2009, ProMAS 2009, ProMAS' 2009, WCNC 2009, NETWORKS 2008, NOLTA 2008, SLA++P'08, FIT 2008, CC 2008, SC 2008, TACAS 2008, FASE 2008, BIONETICS 2007, FCT 2007, WWW 2003, MobiCom 1997, ECDL 2007