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ICKMS 2023, ICISDM 2023, CIKM 2022, RadarConf 2021, IEEE BigData 2020, BIGCOMP 2020, PACT 2020, SAW 2020, ICWSM 2020, 3DUI 2020, VR 2020, CHES 2019, ICUAS 2019, SimAUD 2019, COCOA 2018, AEROACOUSTICS 2018, ICMMM - EI 2017, JPC 2017, ICDCS 2017, INFOCOM 2017, CAA 2017, CCC@ICCBR 2016, ASPLOS 2016, DSN 2014, WI/IAT 2013, ICML 2013, ISMAR 2012, CDC 2010, CHI 2010, IEEE ECCE 2010, AAAI 2010, FOCS 2009, IPTComm 2009, IJCNN 2009, PASTE 2008, SIGSOFT 2008, ESWEEK 2008, MASS 2008, RFIC 2008, ISBRA 2008, TMW 2008, P3DM 2008, GLC08, SAS 2008, HotNets 2007, ICER 2007, MobiCom 2002, CIKM 2001, PODC 1999, PLDI 1999... further results