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SIGSOFT 2008 -16th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE - 16)
Event in series FSE
Dates 2008/11/02 (iCal) - 2008/11/08
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: 2008/03/07
Papers: Submitted 152 / Accepted 31 (20.4 %)
Table of Contents

***** FSE 16
 Important Dates

Deadline for submissions: March 7, 2008
Notification of acceptance: May 26, 2008
Conferences dates: November 11-13, 2008
Goal and Scope

The 16th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 16) will feature invited speakers and technical paper presentations on new results related to both traditional and emerging fields of software engineering.

FSE 16 invites submissions describing original unpublished research results or presenting original experience reports. Research-based submissions should clearly describe the relevance of the results to software engineering goals and should include a clear presentation of the validation methodology used. Experience reports must offer novel lessons learned that would be of interest to a broad software engineering audience.



Important Dates

Deadline for workshop proposals: March 16, 2008
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2008, 2008
Workshop dates: November 9-10, 14-15, 2008
Goal and Scope

SIGSOFT 2008 workshops aim to provide opportunities for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing preliminary results in various areas of software-engineering research and applications. Workshops are not an alternative forum for presenting full research papers, and usually restrict themselves to submission of position papers only.

SIGSOFT/FSE 2008 is soliciting proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. Workshops will be held the two days before and after the conference (November 9, 10, 14 and 15). Prospective workshop organizers are requested to follow the guidelines below in submitting a workshop proposal by the submission date, and are encouraged to contact the workshop chair should any questions arise.


Software Engineering Educators Symposium

Important Dates

Application deadline : September 7, 2008
Symposium date: November 10, 2008
Goal and Scope

We invite participation in the Software Engineering Educators Symposium (SEES), which is designed to help increase the participation of women and minorities in software engineering. Two half-day tutorials will introduce research findings about gender and ethnic differences in teaching and learning, and then focus on alternative techniques for teaching software engineering and programming, which have been found to appeal to nontraditional students, women, and minorities.

Faculty from institutions with large minority and/or female student enrollments may apply for funding to attend. Depending on the availability of funds, awards will cover expenses for travel, hotel accommodations, and registration for both SEES and FSE 16. Funding for attendees is provided by the National Science Foundation and by ACM SIGSOFT. This funding must be used to support faculty at U.S. institutions only. Moreover, supported faculty must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Others are welcome to participate, but must provide their own funding.


Doctoral Symposium

Important Dates

Deadline for submissions: August 11, 2008
Notification of acceptance: September 20, 2008
Symposium presentations: November 10, 2008
Goal and Scope

The Doctoral Symposium aims to create a forum for PhD students working on foundations, techniques, methods, and tools in software engineering. This will provide participants with an opportunity to present and discuss their dissertation research with senior researchers in the software engineering community, in a constructive and friendly atmosphere.

Specifically, the symposium aims to:

    * Provide a setting whereby students receive feedback on their research and guidance on future directions from the Doctoral Symposium Panel that is composed of senior members of the software engineering research community
    * Foster the creation of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research, and
    * Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers at the main conference.

The Doctoral Symposium is intended for students who have not yet completed their dissertation research and do not expect to write their dissertation before the conference.

In addition to scientific matters, students will have the opportunity to seek advice on various aspects of completing a PhD and performing research as a young professional in software engineering.

The Doctoral Symposium has the same scope of technical topics as the main ACM SIGSOFT / FSE conference.


2008 Student Research Forum


Important Dates

Deadline for Submission August 2, 2008.
Notification of acceptance September 2, 2008.
Poster presentations November 11, 2008.
Goal and Scope

The Student Research Forum provides an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students attending SIGSOFT 2008 to present and discuss their research at poster sessions.
This 2-hour evening event will feature concurrent short presentations by student participants organized in poster formats. SIGSOFT 2008 attendees, including non-students, will be able to wander among the posters and talk to the students about their research. Light refreshments will be provided.

Posters are an excellent forum for students to present their work in an informal and interactive session, and to present late-breaking and preliminary results, or work-in-progress posters. Unlike other technical venues, posters are highly visual and interactive, and they are intended to provide students and participants with the ability to engage in deep technical discussions about their work. Posters provide students with a unique opportunity to make their work highly visible during the conference, and to discuss their work one-on-one with other conference participants. The goal is to develop a poster that encourages small groups of individuals interested in a technical area to gather and interact, and the poster session will be organized to facilitate such interactions.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "SIGSOFT 2008"
Acceptance rate20.4 +
Accepted papers31 +
AcronymSIGSOFT 2008 +
End dateNovember 8, 2008 +
Event in seriesFSE +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates33° 44' 56", -84° 23' 25"Latitude: 33.748991666667
Longitude: -84.390263888889
Has location cityAtlanta +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateGA +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start dateNovember 2, 2008 +
Submission deadlineMarch 7, 2008 +
Submitted papers152 +
TitleSIGSOFT 2008 -16th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE - 16) +