AAAI 2005

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AAAI 2005
Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Event in series AAAI
Dates 2005 -
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
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Papers: Submitted 803 / Accepted 225 (28 %)
PC chairs: Manuela Veloso, Subbarao Kambhampati
Table of Contents

Facts about "AAAI 2005"
Acceptance rate28.0 +
Accepted papers225 +
Event in seriesAAAI +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates40° 26' 30", -79° 59' 24"Latitude: 40.441694444444
Longitude: -79.990086111111
Has location cityPittsburgh +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location statePennsylvania +
Has program chairManuela Veloso + and Subbarao Kambhampati +
IsAEvent +
Start date2005 +
Submitted papers803 +
TitleTwentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence +