Search results
Create the page "Information Sciences" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- ...ternational Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences |Field=information security5 KB (670 words) - 12:24, 28 July 2017
Page text matches
- |Title=The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences |Field=Behavioral Sciences3 KB (343 words) - 05:55, 4 October 2010
- ** Information retrieval ...member::Frantisek Capkovic]], Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences6 KB (777 words) - 21:54, 14 August 2008
- ...ology, agents, databases and the semantic grid, obviously disciplines like information retrieval, language technology, human-computer interaction and knowledge di, e-community, knowledge management, e-learning, digital libraries and e-sciences.6 KB (887 words) - 17:02, 10 November 2011
- * (Process-aware) Web Information Systems computing applications in the arts, sciences, engineering, business,5 KB (689 words) - 15:29, 14 October 2008
- | Field = Information science of the Information Sciences Journal as available on-line at .6 KB (790 words) - 22:08, 13 August 2008
- In order to make information of the various fields of science available {{SITENAME}} relies on a network == Natural sciences ==6 KB (714 words) - 11:19, 11 December 2020
- applies to the development and integration of enterprise and e-business information systems. By looking at the business process as a first-class citizen in the ** [[has PC member::Marcin Paprzycki]], Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland5 KB (665 words) - 11:44, 18 November 2008
- systems. See for more information. INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS10 KB (1,371 words) - 15:14, 12 November 2020
- neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and cognitive sciences. In recent years, a large community Contact author must provide the following information at the CISIS web site: paper title, authors' names, affiliations,13 KB (1,706 words) - 15:34, 27 December 2015
- ...ons; Target-oriented keyword search; Filter-based profile matching; Mutual information on data streams; Stream processing; Digitized documents streams; Queries wi Contextual aggregated information retrieval; Aggregated query for workflows; Mining for complex data; Mining11 KB (1,371 words) - 11:28, 18 May 2020
- |Title=The IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ...CDP of the IEEE Computer Society, the International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2005) will be held in Tamkang University,10 KB (1,263 words) - 21:20, 10 January 2018
- |Title=The 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2004) The International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2004) will be held in Fukuoka, Kyushu, Ja12 KB (1,537 words) - 21:19, 10 January 2018
- cognitive sciences in general, but will also reflect back to NLP and * Computational methods for acquiring various linguistic information7 KB (888 words) - 20:58, 14 October 2008
- For more information about AIS SIGPrag and its mission, please visit Chair in Computer Science in Intersection with Social Sciences2 KB (264 words) - 16:48, 14 October 2008
- * Applications: Biomedical sciences, geosciences and remote sensing, document ...sessions must include a topical title, rationale, session outline, contact information for the session chair(s), a list of authors who have agreed to present a pa4 KB (494 words) - 21:47, 4 February 2009
- ...submitted electronically. Please check this website regularly for updated information on the paper submission procedure. 2. Infrastructure for Information Systems11 KB (1,527 words) - 09:03, 19 February 2021
- BIREME/PAHO/WHO (Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization) and co-o ...nternational open forum for scientists, research managers and authorities, information and communication related professionals to debate the current status and ad3 KB (316 words) - 18:10, 14 October 2008
- ...L 2009 will be held in Austin, Texas. JCDL 2009 is hosted by the School of Information at the University of Texas, and is organized by an international committee3 KB (498 words) - 20:15, 11 January 2017
- Yurii Rogozhin, Academy of Sciences, Moldova Gyorgy Vaszil, Academy of Sciences, Hungary19 KB (2,503 words) - 12:25, 28 October 2020
- National Center of Sciences in Tokyo, Japan. SIG-CVIM (Computer Vision and Image Media) of IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan)3 KB (432 words) - 19:05, 14 October 2008