SIGPrag 2008

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SIGPrag 2008
AIS Special Interest Group on Pragmatist IS Research
Dates Dec 14, 2008 (iCal) - Dec 14, 2008
Location: Paris, France
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Important dates
Submissions: Oct 10, 2008
Notification: Oct 24, 2008
Camera ready due: Nov 30, 2008
Table of Contents

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SIGPrag 2008 Call For Papers

The AIS Special Interest Group on Pragmatist IS Research (SIGPrag)
invites researchers to contribute position papers advancing SIGPrag's
central theme:  theorizing the IT artifact and its organizational and
societal context from a pragmatic and action-oriented perspective. The
position papers (3-4 pages using the ICIS 2008 template) will be
presented at the inaugural SIGPrag meeting at ICIS2008 in Paris, France.
Those interested should submit a 500 word abstract of their position by
October 10, 2008 to Par Agerfalk (

Important dates:

October 10, 2008: Abstract submission

October 24, 2008: Notification of acceptance

November 30, 2008: Final position papers due

December 14, 2008: Inaugural SIGPrag meeting at ICIS2008 in Paris, France

The ICIS 2008 template can be found at

Instruction for how to use the template can be found at

For more information about AIS SIGPrag and its mission, please visit


Prof. Par J. Agerfalk, Ph.D.		
Chair in Computer Science in Intersection with Social Sciences

Uppsala University
Department of Information Science
Computer and Systems Science
P.O. Box 513
SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden

Best voice choice: +46 70 4250296 (mobile)
Office phone: +46 18 4711064
Fax: +46 18 4717867

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "SIGPrag 2008"
AcronymSIGPrag 2008 +
Camera ready dueNovember 30, 2008 +
End dateDecember 14, 2008 +
Event typeConference +
Has location cityParis +
Has location countryCategory:France +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationOctober 24, 2008 +
Start dateDecember 14, 2008 +
Submission deadlineOctober 10, 2008 +
TitleAIS Special Interest Group on Pragmatist IS Research +