ACAE 2022

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ACAE 2022
4th Asia Conference on Automation Engineering
Dates 2022/11/17 (iCal) - 2022/11/19
Submitting link:
Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
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Important dates
Submissions: 2022/10/01
Registration link:
General chairs: Prof. Binfeng Ju, Zhejiang University
PC chairs: Prof. Shane Xie, University of Leeds, Prof. Hesheng Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. Xu Bing, Zhejiang University, Prof. Gongdong Wang, Shenyang Aerospace University
Keynote speaker: Prof. Shane Xie (Chair in Robotics+Autonomous Systems) University of Leeds, Prof. Hesheng Wang Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Table of Contents

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★ Publication★ The accepted papers after registration will be published into ACAE 2022 conference proceedings, which will be published into Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), and submitted for indexing by Ei Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (WoS), Inspec.

★★Conference Venue★★ Zhejiang University Address: 866 Yuhangtang Rd, Hangzhou 310058, P.R. China

★Contact Us★ Ms. Allison Fung (Conference Secretary) Email: Tel: +86-28-63023585 / 18010579209 (Office Time 9:30 - 18:00, Time zone: GMT+8; Monday to Friday)