ACP 2013

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ACP 2013
3rd Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences
Dates 2013/03/28 (iCal) - 2013/03/31
Location: Osaka, Japan
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Important dates
Abstracts: 2012/12/01
Papers: 2013/05/01
Submissions: 2012/12/01
Table of Contents

2013 Conference Theme: "Connectedness & Alienation: The 21st Century Enigma"

Being connected has become much easier in the 21st century. The digital revolution, the internet, social network sites, skype, and the ubiquity of mobile phones have helped us to reconnect with long-lost family and friends, to make new relationships even with people we haven not met in person, and to stay connected despite geographical separation. However, this revolution in convenience and communication has not necessarily helped us to be more truly connected. Social connectedness refers to the quality and quantity of relationships with others including family, friends, colleagues, and the wider community, through various modes of contact, and the resulting benefits. Being truly socially connected involves not only the number of connections with important people in our lives, but also factors such as trust, disclosure, loneliness and isolation. Other aspects of connectedness are also equally as important as the social: psychological connectedness with our multiple, changing selves gives us our sense of identity over space and time; connectedness with our environment, be it the natural environment or our social ones, such as school, work, or community provides us with a sense of belonging; spiritual connectedness in the transcendental sense provides meaning in our lives; and moral connectedness, being true to our values helps us to maintain our integrity in our complex lives.

We hope and expect that the conference theme, as well as the sub-themes below will excite interesting new interpretations and explorations:

Connectedness: Self, social, spiritual, natural and moral Personal and Social Connectedness: Trusting self and others Connectedness: Personal, inter-personal, local and global

We hope you can join us in Osaka in 2013!

Dr Monty Satiadarma Clinical Psychologist, and Former Rector, Tarumanagara University, Indonesia

Conference Co-Chair, ACP 2013

Professor Dexter Da Silva Professor of Educational Psychology, Keisen University, Japan Conference Co-Chair, ACP 2013

Conference Theme: "Connectedness and Alienation: The 21st Century Enigma" The conference theme is "Connectedness and Alienation: The 21st Century Enigma" and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this question from a variety of perspectives.

However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of disciplines and fields related to Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, including the following streams:

General Psychology

Psychology and Education

Mental Health


Industrial Organization and Organization Theory

Community Development

Qualitative/Quantative Research in any other area of Psychology

Psychology in the Asian Context (Comparing and Contrasting)

Linguistics, Language and Psychology/Behavioral Science


Deadline for submission of abstracts: December 1 2012

Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: Usually within two weeks of submission

Deadline for submission of full papers: May 1 2013

Deadline for full conference registration payment for all presenters: March 1 2013

Conference Programme Published Online: March 15 2013

ACP Conference: March 28-March 31 2013

Facts about "ACP 2013"
Abstract deadlineDecember 1, 2012 +
AcronymACP 2013 +
End dateMarch 31, 2013 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates34° 37' 12", 135° 29' 25"Latitude: 34.619880555556
Longitude: 135.49035833333
Has location cityOsaka +
Has location countryCategory:Japan +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Paper deadlineMay 1, 2013 +
Start dateMarch 28, 2013 +
Submission deadlineMay 1, 2013 + and December 1, 2012 +
Title3rd Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences +