ALT 2018

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ALT 2018
29th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory
Event in series ALT
Dates 2018/04/07 (iCal) - 2018/04/09
Location: Lanzarote, Spain
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Papers: Submitted 95 / Accepted 33 (34.7 %)
Organizers: Vicenc Gomez, Gergely Neu
PC chairs: Mehryar Mohri, Karthik Sridharan
Seminars Chair: Tim Roughgarden
PC members: Jacob Abernethy, Kareem Amin, Borja Balle Pigem, Peter Bartlett, Sanjoy Dasgupta, Rong Ge
Keynote speaker: Eva Tardos, Claudio Gentile
Table of Contents

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