APCC 2020

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APCC 2020
26th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications POSTPONED
Ordinal 26
Event in series APCC
Dates 2020/10/12 (iCal) - 2020/10/14
Homepage: https://apcc2020.org/
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Important dates
Papers: 2020/04/30
Submissions: 2020/04/30
Notification: 2020/06/30
Camera ready due: 2020/07/31
General chairs: Datuk Hod Parman
PC chairs: Aduwati Sali, Fazirulhisyam Hashim
Seminars Chair: Khaizuran Abdullah
Table of Contents

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, APCC2020 will now be postponed to a new date in 2021. The new dates will be announced soon. All dates will be revised accordingly due to the postponement of APCC2020 to APCC2021.

Facts about "APCC 2020"
AcronymAPCC 2020 +
Camera ready dueJuly 31, 2020 +
End dateOctober 14, 2020 +
Event in seriesAPCC +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates3° 9' 10", 101° 42' 8"Latitude: 3.1526583333333
Longitude: 101.70221944444
Has general chairDatuk Hod Parman +
Has location cityKuala Lumpur +
Has location countryCategory:Malaysia +
Has program chairAduwati Sali + and Fazirulhisyam Hashim +
Has tutorial chairKhaizuran Abdullah +
Homepagehttps://apcc2020.org/ +
IsAEvent +
NotificationJune 30, 2020 +
Ordinal26 +
Paper deadlineApril 30, 2020 +
Start dateOctober 12, 2020 +
Submission deadlineApril 30, 2020 +
Title26th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications POSTPONED +