A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web
A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web | |
A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web
| |
Bibliographical Metadata | |
Subject: | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources |
Keywords: | not available. |
Year: | 2008 |
Authors: | Andreas Langegger, Wolfram Wöß, Martin Blochl |
Venue | ESWC |
Content Metadata | |
Problem: | SPARQL Query Federation |
Approach: | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources |
Implementation: | SemWIQ |
Evaluation: | Sample Queries Evaluation |
In this contribution a system is presented, which provides access to distributed data sources using Semantic Web technology. While it was primarily designed for data sharing and scientific collaboration, it is regarded as a base technology useful for many other Semantic Web applications. The proposed system allows to retrieve data using SPARQL queries, data sources can register and abandon freely, and all RDF Schema or OWL vocabularies can be used to describe their data, as long as they are accessible on the Web. Data heterogeneity is addressed by RDF-wrappers like D2R-Server placed on top of local information systems. A query does not directly refer to actual endpoints, instead it contains graph patterns adhering to a virtual data set. A mediator finally pulls and joins RDF data from different endpoints providing a transparent on-the-fly view to the end-user. The SPARQL protocol has been defined to enable systematic data access to remote endpoints. However, remote SPARQL queries require the explicit notion of endpoint URIs. The presented system allows users to execute queries without the need to specify target endpoints. Additionally, it is possible to execute join and union operations across different remote endpoints. The optimization of such distributed operations is a key factor concerning the performance of the overall system. Therefore, proven concepts from database research can be applied.
In this contribution a mediator-based system for virtual data integration based on SemanticWeb technology has been presented. The system is primarily developed for sharing scientific data, but because of its generic architecture, it is supposed to be used for many other Semantic Web applications. In this paper query federation based on SPARQL and Jena/ARQ has been demonstrated in detail and several concepts for query optimization which is currently on the agenda have been discussed. Additional contributions can be expected after the implementation of additional features mentioned before.
Future work
Other future work will be the support for DESCRIBE-queries and IRIs as subjects. In future, the mediator should also use an OWL-DL reasoner to infer additional types for subject nodes specified in the query pattern. Currently, types have to be explicitly specified for each BGP (more precisely for the first occurrence: the algorithm caches already known types). OWL-DL constraints like for example a qualified cardinality restriction on obs:byObserver with owl:allValuesFrom obs:Observer would allow the mediator to deduce types of other nodes in the query pattern.
Positive Aspects: {{{PositiveAspects}}}
Negative Aspects: {{{NegativeAspects}}}
Limitations: {{{Limitations}}}
Challenges: {{{Challenges}}}
Proposes Algorithm: {{{ProposesAlgorithm}}}
Methodology: {{{Methodology}}}
Requirements: {{{Requirements}}}
Limitations: {{{Limitations}}}
Download-page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/semwiq/
Access API: -
Information Representation: RDF
Data Catalogue: RDF stats + VoID
Runs on OS: OS independent
Vendor: Open source
Uses Framework: Jena
Has Documentation URL: http://semwiq.faw.uni-linz.ac.at/core/2007-10-24/ catalog.owl.
Programming Language: Java
Version: 1
Platform: Jena
Toolbox: -
GUI: Yes
Research Problem
Subproblem of: {{{Subproblem}}}
RelatedProblem: {{{RelatedProblem}}}
Motivation: {{{Motivation}}}
Experiment Setup: The tests were performed with the following setup: the mediator (and also the test client) where running on a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB memory and a 2 MBit link to the remote endpoints. All endpoints were simulated on the same physical host running two AMD Opteron CPUs at 1.6 GHz and 2 GB memory.
Evaluation Method : Evaluate the system using a set of sample queries
Hypothesis: -
Description: For the following sample queries, real-world data of sunspot observations recorded at Kanzelh¨ohe Solar Observatory (KSO) have been used. The observatory is also a partner in the Austrian Grid project. The queries are shown in Fig. 2. Query 1 retrieves the first name, the last name, and optionally the e-mail address of scientists who have done observations. Query 2 retrieves all observations ever recorded by Mr. Otruba.
Dimensions: Performance
Benchmark used: Kanzelh¨ohe Solar Observatory (KSO)
Results: Because ARQ is using a pipelining concept the response time is very good, even when data has to be retrieved from a remote data source.
Access API | - + |
Event in series | ESWC + |
Has Benchmark | Kanzelh¨ohe Solar Observatory (KSO) + |
Has Challenges | {{{Challenges}}} + |
Has DataCatalouge | RDF stats + VoID + |
Has Description | For the following sample queries, real-wor … For the following sample queries, real-world data of sunspot observations recorded at
observations ever recorded by Mr. Otruba. +Kanzelh¨ohe Solar Observatory (KSO) have been used. The observatory is also a partner in the Austrian Grid project. The queries are shown in Fig. 2. Query 1 retrieves the first name, the last name, and optionally the e-mail address of scientists who have done observations. Query 2 retrieves all observations ever recorded by Mr. Otruba. |
Has Dimensions | Performance + |
Has DocumentationURL | http://semwiq.faw.uni-linz.ac.at/core/2007-10-24/ catalog.owl. + |
Has Downloadpage | https://sourceforge.net/projects/semwiq/ + |
Has Evaluation | Sample Queries Evaluation + |
Has EvaluationMethod | Evaluate the system using a set of sample queries + |
Has ExperimentSetup | The tests were performed with the followin … The tests were performed with the following setup: the mediator (and also the test client) where running on a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB memory and a 2 MBit link to the remote endpoints. All endpoints were simulated on the same physical host running two AMD Opteron CPUs at 1.6 GHz and 2 GB memory. D Opteron CPUs at 1.6 GHz and 2 GB memory. + |
Has GUI | Yes + |
Has Hypothesis | - + |
Has Implementation | SemWIQ + |
Has InfoRepresentation | RDF + |
Has Limitations | {{{Limitations}}} + |
Has NegativeAspects | {{{NegativeAspects}}} + |
Has PositiveAspects | {{{PositiveAspects}}} + |
Has Requirements | {{{Requirements}}} + |
Has Results | Because ARQ is using a pipelining concept the response time is very good, even when data has to be retrieved from a remote data source. + |
Has Version | 1 + |
Has abstract | In this contribution a system is presented … In this contribution a system is presented, which provides access to distributed data sources using Semantic Web technology. While it was primarily designed for data sharing and scientific collaboration, it is regarded as a base technology useful for many other Semantic Web applications. The proposed system allows to retrieve data using SPARQL queries, data sources can register and abandon freely, and all RDF Schema or OWL vocabularies can be used to describe their data, as long as they are accessible on the Web. Data heterogeneity is addressed by RDF-wrappers like D2R-Server placed on top of local information systems. A query does not directly refer to actual endpoints, instead it contains graph patterns adhering to a virtual data set. A mediator finally pulls and joins RDF data from different endpoints providing a transparent on-the-fly view to the end-user. The SPARQL protocol has been defined to enable systematic data access to remote endpoints. However, remote SPARQL queries require the explicit notion of endpoint URIs. The presented system allows users to execute queries without the need to specify target endpoints. Additionally, it is possible to execute join and union operations across different remote endpoints. The optimization of such distributed operations is a key factor concerning the performance of the overall system. Therefore, proven concepts from database research can be applied. pts from database research can be applied. + |
Has approach | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources + |
Has authors | Andreas Langegger +, Wolfram Wöß + and Martin Blochl + |
Has conclusion | In this contribution a mediator-based syst … In this contribution a mediator-based system for virtual data integration based on SemanticWeb technology has been presented. The system is primarily developed for sharing scientific data, but because of its generic architecture, it is supposed to be used for many other Semantic Web applications. In this paper query federation based on SPARQL and Jena/ARQ has been demonstrated in detail and several concepts for query optimization which is currently on the agenda have been discussed. Additional contributions can be expected after the implementation of additional features mentioned before. n of additional features mentioned before. + |
Has future work | Other future work will be the support for … Other future work will be the support for DESCRIBE-queries and IRIs as subjects. In
types of other nodes in the query pattern. +future, the mediator should also use an OWL-DL reasoner to infer additional types for subject nodes specified in the query pattern. Currently, types have to be explicitly specified for each BGP (more precisely for the first occurrence: the algorithm caches already known types). OWL-DL constraints like for example a qualified cardinality restriction on obs:byObserver with owl:allValuesFrom obs:Observer would allow the mediator to deduce types of other nodes in the query pattern. |
Has keywords | not available. + |
Has motivation | {{{Motivation}}} + |
Has platform | Jena + |
Has problem | SPARQL Query Federation + |
Has subject | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources + |
Has vendor | Open source + |
Has year | 2008 + |
ImplementedIn ProgLang | Java + |
Proposes Algorithm | {{{ProposesAlgorithm}}} + |
RunsOn OS | OS independent + |
Title | A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web + |
Uses Framework | Jena + |
Uses Methodology | {{{Methodology}}} + |
Uses Toolbox | - + |