Algarve is located in Portugal
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KES-IDT-17 / IS09 (IDT-CMS 2017) 2017, KES-AMSTA-17 / IS04 (AMAT-CMS 2017) 2017, IJCCI 2013, ECTA 2013, FCTA 2013, IC3K 2013, KMIS 2013, KEOD 2013, NEUROTECHNIX 2013, SIMIE 2011, SAAES 2011, LOCSUE 2011, SAAES, PECCS 2011, ISA 2009, ICT 2009, CGVCVIP 2009, INFORMATICS 2009, IADIS e-Learning 2009, WAC 2009, Eco-Architecture 2008, SUSI 2008, HPSM 2008, AC 2008, E-Society 2008, E-COMMERCE 2007