CIKM 1999

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CIKM 1999
8th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
Ordinal 8
Event in series CIKM
Dates 1999/11/02 (iCal) - 1999/11/06
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
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Papers: Submitted 172 / Accepted 69 (40.1 %)
Table of Contents
关于“CIKM 1999”的事实
Acceptance rate40.1 +
Accepted papers69 +
AcronymCIKM 1999 +
End date1999年11月6日 (六) +
Event in seriesCIKM +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates39° 6' 0", -94° 34' 41"Latitude: 39.100105555556
Longitude: -94.578141666667
Has location cityKansas City +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateMissouri +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Ordinal8 +
Start date1999年11月2日 (二) +
Submitted papers172 +
Title8th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management +