CIRAS 2009

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CIRAS 2009
CFP: The 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems--August, 2009, Incheon, Korea
Dates Aug 16, 2009 (iCal) - Aug 18, 2009
Location: Incheon, Korea
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Important dates
Submissions: Feb 1, 2009
Notification: Mar 10, 2009
Camera ready due: Apr 1, 2009
Table of Contents

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The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.

The Congress proceedings will be published by Springer.
Selected good papers will be published in the following two International Journals:
International Journal of Social Robotics
International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics

OBJECTIVES: The International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS) will be held in Incheon, Korea in August 2009 under the auspicious of FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009. CIRAS aims to bring together the international community of researchers and practitioners to discuss and review the latest advancements and future directions in the areas of computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems. The conference welcomes original, peer reviewed papers
and contributions describing innovations and advances in Intelligence in automation systems from researchers, practitioners and students. Papers describing new discoveries and improvements, as well as novel applications on the latest fundamental advances in the core technologies that from the backbone of intelligent control, real time control, fuzzy logic systems, neuro-computing, DNA computing, neural networks (NN), humanoids, cooperative robotics, autonomous systems, embedded systems, and studies on genetic algorithm, hybrid CI algorithms and evolutionary computation are most welcome.

We look forward to receive your paper submission in the areas including, but not limited to:
- Intelligent Control and Real Time Control
- Autonomous Systems, Survivability, Multi-Agent Systems
- Neuro-computing, DNA Computing and Life Science
- Fuzzy Systems, Neural-Fuzzy Systems, and Neural Networks (NN)
- Distributed Systems, Embedded systems, Power Systems, and Evolutionary Systems
- Educational Technology, Humanoids, Rough Sets, and Evolvable Hardware
- Interaction and collaboration between robots, Robot-ethics in human society
- Systems Design Automation, Multimodal Sensor Fusion, Data Mining, and Evolutionary Logistics
- Cooperative Robotics, Evolutionary Robotics and Robot Soccer Systems
- Hybrid CI Algorithms, Genetic Algorithm, and Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm
- Evolutionary Computation (EC), Distributed and Real Time Evolutionary Computation

PAPER SUBMISSION: Authors are invited to submit the complete manuscripts in PDF format. [The online submission URL will be made available on the conference homepage].

SUBMISSION : 01 Feb 2009
ACCEPTANCE : 10 Mar 2009
FINAL SUBMISSION : 01 April 2009

SPECIAL SESSIONS: The Congress solicits special session proposals. The special sessions are intended to usher in, in-depth discussions in special areas relevant to the conference theme. The session organizers will coordinate the associated review process. The conference proceedings will include all papers from the special sessions.

14th FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009 Korea, 16-18 August, 2009
14th FIRA RoboWorld Cup 2009 Korea, 18-20 August 2009
Global Fair and Festival 2009, Incheon, Korea, 7 August-25 October 2009

Honorary Chair
Jong-Hwan Kim, KR

Steering Committee Chair
Shuzhi Sam Ge, SG
Congress Program Chair
Prahlad Vadakkepat, SG

Int. Advisory Board
Latombe Jean-Claude, US
Clarence W. de Silva, CA
Jong-Hwan Kim, KR
Lee Tong Heng, SG
Peter Kopacek, AT
Toshio Fukuda, JP
CIRAS General Chair
Prahlad Vadakkepat, SG

Program Co-Chairs
Abdullah Al Mamun, SG
Sadasivan P, SG

Special Session Co-Chairs
Liyanage C De Silva, BN
Loh Ai Poh. SG

Publicity Co-Chairs
Ibanez-G. Javier, FR
Chris Messom, NZ
Asokan T, IN
Xiao Peng, CN
Dong-Han Kim, KR
Wang Lingfeng, US

Finance Chair
Hyun-Myung, KR

Christine Kim

Organized by Fed. of Int. Robot Soccer Association []
Centre for Intelligent Control
National Univ. of Singapore

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "CIRAS 2009"
AcronymCIRAS 2009 +
Camera ready dueApril 1, 2009 +
End dateAugust 18, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates37° 27' 22", 126° 42' 19"Latitude: 37.456
Longitude: 126.7052
Has location cityIncheon +
Has location countryCategory:Korea +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationMarch 10, 2009 +
Start dateAugust 16, 2009 +
Submission deadlineFebruary 1, 2009 +
TitleCFP: The 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems--August, 2009, Incheon, Korea +