CSCW 2006

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CSCW 2006
2006 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Event in series CSCW
Dates 2006/11/04 (iCal) - 2006/11/08
Submitting link:
Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada
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Papers: Submitted 304 / Accepted 62 (20.4 %)
Organizers: Shannon Goodman
General chairs: Pamela Hinds, David Martin
PC chairs: Saul Greenberg, Gloria Mark
Workshop chairs: Lyn Bartram, Bo Begole
Panel Chair: Genevieve Bell, Paul Dourish
Seminars Chair: Jonathan Grudin, Steve Poltrock
Demo chairs: Cory Sanoy, Ehud Sharlin
Table of Contents



The ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 2006


  • Innovations and experiences with Intranets, the Internet, WWW
  • Innovative installations: CSCW and the arts
  • Innovative technologies and architectures to support group activity, awareness and telepresence
  • Social and organizational effects of introducing technologies
  • Theoretical aspects of coordination and communication
  • Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative practices
  • Ethnographic and case studies of work practice
  • Working with and through collections of heterogeneous technologies
  • Emerging issues for global systems
  • Studies exploring the appropriate balance between individual and collaborative work.
  • Systems for emergency preparedness and large-scale rapid deployment (e.g. disaster relief)
  • Reflections on the last 20 years and future directions for CSCW


All submissions that will appear in the proceedings must be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template. Note: This template is different from the ACM SIGCHI template.

An important aspect of preparing your paper is to provide the proper indexing and retrieval information from the ACM Computing Classification System. Please choose your category and descriptor terms carefully. These will be used to classify your submission in the ACM Digital Library. For help on choosing appropriate terms, visit

Note that Papers, Notes, and Interactive Posters use a blind review process: the submitted copy should have all authors' names and affiliations blanked out, and should avoid any obvious identifying features. While authors should leave citations to their own relevant work unanonymized, they should reference it in a way that doesn't readily identify them as the authors. For example use "Prior work by [ref]" instead of "In our prior work." Demos, Panels, Tutorials,Videos, Workshops, and the Doctoral Colloquium are not blind reviewed.

Check back here for instructions about acceptable file formats and final submission formatting.