CSMR 2011

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CSMR 2011
15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
Event in series CSMR
Dates 01 March 2011 (iCal) - 04 March 2011
Location: Oldenburg, Germany
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Papers: Submitted 101 / Accepted 29 (28.7 %)
Table of Contents

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Facts about "CSMR 2011"
Acceptance rate28.7 +
Accepted papers29 +
End dateMarch 4, 2011 +
Event in seriesCSMR +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates53° 8' 20", 8° 12' 53"Latitude: 53.138975
Longitude: 8.2146027777778
Has location cityOldenburg +
Has location countryCategory:Germany +
IsAEvent +
Start dateMarch 1, 2011 +
Submitted papers101 +
Title15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering +