Commonsense 2015

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Commonsense 2015
Twelfth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning
Event in series Commonsense
Dates 2015/03/23 (iCal) - 2015/03/25
Location: Stanford University, California, USA
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Important dates
Abstracts: 2014/11/03
Submissions: 2014/11/06
PC chairs: Leora Morgenstern, Theodore Patkos, Robert Sloan
Table of Contents

Commonsense-2015, the Twelfth International Symposium on Logical Formalization on Commonsense Reasoning, will be held at Stanford University on 23-25 March 2015 as part of the AAAI Spring Symposia.

The biennial Commonsense Symposia series provides a forum for exploring one of the long-term goals of Artificial Intelligence, endowing computers with common sense. Although we know how to build programs that excel at certain bounded or mechanical tasks which humans find difficult, such as playing chess, it is still very difficult to get to do well at commonsense tasks which are easy for humans, such as interacting with a human on a task, or conversing about a film or book. One approach to this problem is to formalize commonsense reasoning using formal languages such as mathematical logic.

Since John McCarthy founded the Commonsense Symposium in 1991, the symposium has served as the premiere venue for bringing together researchers who are focusing on the formalization of commonsense reasoning.

Facts about "Commonsense 2015"
Abstract deadlineNovember 3, 2014 +
AcronymCommonsense 2015 +
End dateMarch 25, 2015 +
Event in seriesCommonsense +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates37° 25' 53", -122° 10' 10"Latitude: 37.431313888889
Longitude: -122.16936666667
Has location cityStanford University +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateCalifornia +
Has program chairLeora Morgenstern +, Theodore Patkos + and Robert Sloan +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start dateMarch 23, 2015 +
Submission deadlineNovember 6, 2014 +
TitleTwelfth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning +