Copenhagen is located in Denmark
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ICAEB 2023, VLDB 2021, POPL 2021, ICICS 2020, HCII 2020, CPM 2020, XP 2020, EDBT 2020, ICDT 2020, EuCAP 2020, RecSys 2019, FOGA 2017, ICCSEA 2017, WiMoA 2017 : 9th International Conference on Wireless, Mobile Network & Applications, WASSA 2017, EMNLP 2017, Doctoral Mentoring Program @ ECSA 2016, NKOS 2016, EuroCrypt 2014, ICFP 2012, ECSA 2010, M4M-6, WAOA 2009, EuroISI 2008, NORSIG 2008, Conference on Youth and Language 2008, DEXA 2005, CADE 2002, CAV 2002, LICS 2002