D2RQ – Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs

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D2RQ – Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs
D2RQ – Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs
Bibliographical Metadata
Year: 2004
Authors: Christian Bizer, Andy Seaborne
Venue ISWC
Content Metadata
Problem: Transforming Relational Databases into Semantic Web
Approach: No data available now.
Implementation: D2RQ
Evaluation: Performance Analysis


As Semantic Web technologies are getting mature, there is a growing need for RDF applications to access the content of huge, live, non-RDF, legacy databases without having to replicate the whole database into RDF. In this poster we present D2RQ, a declarative language to describe mappings between application-specific relational database schemata and RDF-S/OWL ontologies. D2RQ allows RDF applications to treat non-RDF relational data bases as virtual RDF graphs, which can be queried using RDQL.


D2RQ offers a flexible, easy-to-use access mechanism to non-RDF databases. It allows the integration of legacy databases into the data access architecture currently standardized by the W3C Data Access Working Group

Future work

No future work exists.


Positive Aspects: No data available now.

Negative Aspects: No data available now.

Limitations: No data available now.

Challenges: No data available now.

Proposes Algorithm: No data available now.

Methodology: No data available now.

Requirements: No data available now.

Limitations: No data available now.


Download-page: https://github.com/d2rq/d2rq

Access API: No data available now.

Information Representation: No data available now.

Data Catalogue: {{{Catalogue}}}

Runs on OS: No data available now.

Vendor: No data available now.

Uses Framework: No data available now.

Has Documentation URL: No data available now.

Programming Language: Java

Version: 0.8.1

Platform: No data available now.

Toolbox: No data available now.


Research Problem

Subproblem of: No data available now.

RelatedProblem: No data available now.

Motivation: No data available now.


Experiment Setup: No data available now.

Evaluation Method : No data available now.

Hypothesis: No data available now.

Description: No data available now.

Dimensions: No data available now.

Benchmark used: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/

Results: No data available now.

Access APINo data available now. +
Event in seriesISWC +
Has BenchmarkHttp://dblp.uni-trier.de/ +
Has ChallengesNo data available now. +
Has DataCatalouge{{{Catalogue}}} +
Has DescriptionNo data available now. +
Has DimensionsNo data available now. +
Has DocumentationURLhttp://No data available now. +
Has Downloadpagehttps://github.com/d2rq/d2rq +
Has EvaluationPerformance Analysis +
Has EvaluationMethodNo data available now. +
Has ExperimentSetupNo data available now. +
Has GUINo +
Has HypothesisNo data available now. +
Has ImplementationD2RQ +
Has InfoRepresentationNo data available now. +
Has LimitationsNo data available now. +
Has NegativeAspectsNo data available now. +
Has PositiveAspectsNo data available now. +
Has RequirementsNo data available now. +
Has ResultsNo data available now. +
Has SubproblemNo data available now. +
Has Version0.8.1 +
Has abstractAs Semantic Web technologies are getting m
As Semantic Web technologies are getting mature, there is a growing need for RDF applications to access the content of huge, live, non-RDF, legacy databases without having to replicate the whole database into RDF. In this poster we present D2RQ, a declarative language to describe mappings between application-specific relational database schemata and RDF-S/OWL ontologies. D2RQ allows RDF applications to treat non-RDF relational data bases as virtual RDF graphs, which can be queried using RDQL.
F graphs, which can be queried using RDQL. +
Has approachNo data available now. +
Has authorsChristian Bizer + and Andy Seaborne +
Has conclusionD2RQ offers a flexible, easy-to-use access mechanism to non-RDF databases. It allows the integration of legacy databases into the data access architecture currently standardized by the W3C Data Access Working Group +
Has future workNo future work exists. +
Has motivationNo data available now. +
Has platformNo data available now. +
Has problemTransforming Relational Databases into Semantic Web +
Has relatedProblemNo data available now. +
Has vendorNo data available now. +
Has year2004 +
ImplementedIn ProgLangJava +
Proposes AlgorithmNo data available now. +
RunsOn OSNo data available now. +
TitleD2RQ – Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs +
Uses FrameworkNo data available now. +
Uses MethodologyNo data available now. +
Uses ToolboxNo data available now. +