Dr. Emily Jonathan

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vCardDr. Emily Jonathan
Field: Information Security, Cryptography
Position: Editor in Chief(PhD)
Affiliation: Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal
Homepage: www.ubicc.org
Phone: +1-347-4149239
Table of Contents




The web has become the platform of choice for new applications. The Smarter Web project aims to develop tools for users and developers to improve user experience on the web. How do we make it easier for designers and developers to create, debug, and test web applications? How do we design and deploy tools that enable end users to increase their productivity while using web applications, through automating repetitive tasks, or reusing their knowledge of how to do tasks? Our team combines expertise in HCI, programming languages, machine learning, and open source to create technology that makes the web easier to use.

The green growth with low carbon emissions is the global trend that triggered by global warming and fossil energy crisis. Now is the time to jump to world class component company for the domestic IT component companies by prior occupation the new market. To success green growth, green IT, and renewable energy, new various IT components have to be developed and diffused.

convergence Components & Materials Laboratory will create next generation component technologies like LED, power semiconductor devices, solar cells, transparent display, MEMS sensors, and OLED lighting, by raising IT component industries beyond the memory industry. Moreover, Convergence Components & Materials Laboratory will develop the high value-added convergence components technologies which linked to systems and services such as military, broadcast & telecommunication, ship, automotive, and robots, to bring up the world class mid-size enterprises.

To make a goal for the creation of new profitable technologies and upbringing the mid and small-size enterprises, Convergence Components & Materials Laboratory will establish the convergence components R&D strategies which linked to core patents, R&D, standardization, and commercialization. By collaboration with outside organizations like foreign research institutes and industries, R&D synergy will be created. Under the background of successful developments of IT in 1990s, the members of the Convergence Components & Materials Laboratory will struggle on researches of IT convergence components for green growth and the standardized components which connected with systems.
