EDCC 2008

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EDCC 2008
7th European Dependable Computing Conference
Dates May 7, 2008 (iCal) - May 9, 2008
Homepage: edcc.dependability.org
Location: Kaunas, Lithuania
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Important dates
Submissions: Sep 30, 2007
Table of Contents

There is an increasing dependency of the society on computing services and their underlying computing systems. This dependency creates strict requirements for the delivered services. These requirements affect to the quality of service, continuous availability, survivability in the advent of catastrophic failures, confidentiality, intrusion tolerance, etc. Dependability is a concept that considers all these cross-cutting concerns and required attributes, such as reliability, availability, safety, and security, as well as human factors.

The 7th European Dependable Computing Conference aims at providing a European-hosted venue for researchers and practioners from all over the world to present and discuss their latest research achievements. Original papers are solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable computing systems. All kinds of faults are of interest, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental and malicious human interactions.

Major topics include, but are not limited to:

    * Architectures for dependable systems.

    * Fault tolerance in databases and transactional systems.

    * Architecture and protocols for security.

    * Fault tolerance in real-time systems.

    * Critical infrastructure protection.

    * Fault tolerance in multimedia systems.

    * Dependability for mobile systems.

    * Hardware and software testing, verification, and validation.

    * Dependability in high-bandwidth and system area networks.

    * Human factors.

    * Dependability measurement, modeling, and evaluation.

    * Formal methods for dependability.

    * Dependability in SOA and middleware.

    * Information assurance, survivability, and intrusion tolerance.

    * Dependability in wireless sensor and ad hoc networks.

    * Internet dependability and quality of service.

    * Dependability in high performance and grid systems.

    * Safety-critical systems.

    * Dependability in business and e-commerce applications.

    * Software reliability engineering.

    * Dependability in data streaming.

    * Dependability benchmarking.

    * Security.

    * Software engineering for dependability.

    * Fault tolerant distributed systems. 

EDCC is the successor of two European conference series on fault-tolerance, dependability, and testing dating back to the 70s and 80s. EDCC is now an established conference on dependability organized every 2 years by a European country and attracting papers from all over the world.

Regular Papers should describe original research (not submitted or published elsewhere) and be not more than 20 double-spaced pages including figures and tables using 11-point type.

Practical Experience Reports (5-12 double-spaced pages) should describe an experience or a case study, such as the design and deployment of a system or actual failure and recovery field data.

Prototype-Tool description papers (5-12 double-spaced pages) should outline the design or implementation of a software tool, a prototype or an operational system, etc.

Panels (2-4 pages) should describe the panel objectives, and include the bios of the Panel proposers and the probable panellists.

The title page of each submission should include a 150-word abstract, five keywords, authors�?? names and address and include a line specifying the submission category. The full mailing address, phone, fax and email address of the corresponding author should be specified. All submissions must be made electronically through the submission web page.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "EDCC 2008"
AcronymEDCC 2008 +
End dateMay 9, 2008 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates54° 53' 54", 23° 54' 16"Latitude: 54.898213888889
Longitude: 23.904480555556
Has location cityKaunas +
Has location countryCategory:Lithuania +
Homepagehttp://edcc.dependability.org +
IsAEvent +
Start dateMay 7, 2008 +
Submission deadlineSeptember 30, 2007 +
Title7th European Dependable Computing Conference +