EJEAP - 3 2017 : European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology

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EJEAP - 3 2017 : European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology
EJEAP - 3 2017 : European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology
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(iCal) - 2017/07/28
Homepage: http://ew-a.org/journals/400/
Location: N/A, undefined
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Important dates
Submissions: 2017/07/30
Table of Contents

The journal is registered and published in Austria.

Articles on education, pedagogy and psychology are published in the journal. Journal is published in English, German and Russian. Example of output data of an article – Mark, Smith. School education in Western Europe countries // European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology, «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. №4, 2017. - Pp. 112-117.

Periodicity: 4 issues per year. Articles are accepted till the 30th day of the months:

Till the 28th of January Till the 30th of April Till the 30th of July Till the 30th of October The journal is intended for students, graduate students, postgraduate students, postdoctoral students, recent graduates, teachers, academic researchers and practitioners.

DOI numbers will be assigned to all publications of the “East West” Association starting from February 2016. The agreement was signed with Crossref, DOI’s official registration agency. The prefix number of our publishing house is 10.20534, you can find us in the members list on the Crossref website http://www.crossref.org/06members/50go-live.html.

Included to the open access repositories:

Term of distribution of electronic layout of publication – up to 30 days after the last day of reception of articles for the current issue, distribution of printed copies – up to 15 working days upon approval of electronic layout.

Journal is published on the Open Access basis. Part edition of publication is sent to the National Library of Austria and to the libraries of the largest higher education institutions of Austria.

Main sections of the journal:

Subsection «Education and Pedagogics»

Adult education Comparative and International education Cross-cultural dimensions of education Distance education Educational management Educational systems Education in arts Education in business and economics Education in ecology Education and religion Education for lecturers and teachers Gender education Higher education History of education Information technologies and education Language and literacy education Lifelong learning Mathematical education Mentoring and coaching Primary general education Physical education Philosophy of education Pre-school education School education Sociology of education Subsection «Psychology»

Aviation and Space psychology Cognitive psychology Comparative psychology Consumer behavior Cultural psychology Educational psychology Engineering psychology Experimental psychology Industrial and organizational psychology Legal psychology Medical psychology Military psychology Occupational health psychology Political psychology Psychology of family Psychology of health Psychology of religion School psychology Social psychology Sport psychology


Maestre Gabriel, Spain, Doctor of Psychology

International editorial board

Artyuhina Alexandra Ivanovna, Russia, Doctor of Education

Bulatbaeva Aygul Abdimazhitovna, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Education

Gurov Valeriy Nikolaevich, Russia, Doctor of Education

Ibragimova Liliya Ahmatyanovna, Russia, Doctor of Education

Kołodziejczyk Marta, Poland, Doctor of Psychology

Karabalaeva Gulmira, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Education

Lekerova Gulsim, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Psychology

Madalieva Zabira Bekeshovna, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Psychology

Malakhova Irina, Belarus, Doctor of Education

Moldabek Kulakhmet, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Education

Moskvin Victor Anatolevich, Russia, Doctor of Psychology

Novikov Alexei, Russia, Doctor of Education

Oganyan Tatiana Borisovna, Russia, Doctor of Education

Pet’ko Lyudmila Vasylivna, Ukraine, Ph.D. of Education

Potapchuk Yevhen, Ukraine, Doctor of Psychology

Rybalko Lina Nikolaevna, Ukraine, Doctor of Education

Saipov Amangeldi, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Education

Shadiev Rizamat Davranovich, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Education

Shhahutova Zarema Zorievna, Russia, Ph.D. of Education

Tolstaya Svetlana Viktorovna, Moldova, Doctor of Psychology

+43 (720) 882-256

AcronymEJEAP - 3 2017 +
End dateJuly 28, 2017 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates35° 51' 9", -81° 26' 7"Latitude: 35.852369444444
Longitude: -81.435166666667
Has location cityN/A +
Has location countryCategory:Undefined +
Homepagehttp://ew-a.org/journals/400/ +
IsAEvent +
Submission deadlineJuly 30, 2017 +
TitleEJEAP - 3 2017 : European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology +