FEC 2018

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FEC 2018
27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference
Event in series FEC
Dates 2018/10/22 (iCal) - 2018/10/27
Homepage: https://www.fusenet.eu/node/1272
Location: Gandhinagar, India
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Important dates
Submissions: 2018/03/29
Table of Contents



27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2018(FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (nearest Airport: Ahmedabad), India, 22 – 27 October 2018

The 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018) aims to provide a forum for the discussion of key physics and technology issues as well as innovative concepts of direct relevance to the use of nuclear fusion as a source of energy

In order to participate the applicant has to be designated by an IAEA Member State or be a member of organizations that have been invited to attend.

Registration deadline (for paper submission): 29 March 2018

The 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference is organized by the IAEA in cooperation with the Institute for Plasma Research, India.


The conference will address the following topics:

  • Magnetic Confinement Experiments
  • Magnetic Confinement Theory and Modelling
  • Plasma Overall Performance and Control
  • Inertial Fusion Experiments and Theory
  • Innovative Confinement Concepts
  • Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design
  • Fusion Nuclear Physics and Technology - MPT Materials Physics and Technology
  • Safety, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Fusion
Facts about "FEC 2018"
AcronymFEC 2018 +
End dateOctober 27, 2018 +
Event in seriesFEC +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates23° 13' 24", 72° 38' 57"Latitude: 23.223288888889
Longitude: 72.649227777778
Has location cityGandhinagar +
Has location countryCategory:India +
Homepagehttps://www.fusenet.eu/node/1272 +
IsAEvent +
Start dateOctober 22, 2018 +
Submission deadlineMarch 29, 2018 +
Title27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference +