From Relational Data to RDFS Models

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From Relational Data to RDFS Models
From Relational Data to RDFS Models
Bibliographical Metadata
Year: 2004
Authors: Maksym Korotkiy, Jan L. Top
Venue ICWE
Content Metadata
Problem: Transforming Relational Databases into Semantic Web
Approach: integration of relational-like information resources with RDFS-aware systems
Implementation: FDR2
Evaluation: No data available now.


A vast amount of information resources is stored as relational-like data and inaccessible to RDFS-based systems. We describe FDR2 – an approach to integration of relational-like information resources with RDFS-aware systems. The proposed solution is purely RDFS-based. We use RDF/S as a mechanism to specify and perform linking of relational data to a predefined domain ontology. The approach is transformation-free, this ensures that all the data is accessible and usable in consistence with the original data model.


In this paper we have introduced FDR2 – a technique that enables us to link relational and RDF/S data models. According to FDR2 a relational schema is automatically created to explicate the structure and internal relationships between elements of a relational collection of data. Explication of virtual relations allows the user to construct a relational schema specific RDMap by defining relationships between concepts from the relational schema and a domain ontology. The actual relational data are automatically expressed in RDF according to the generated relational schema. Run-time integration is achieved by applying an RDFS reasoner to merge the above-mentioned components into a single RDFS model and to deduct necessary entailments. A resulting run-time model allows to access the relational data with queries termed according to the domain ontology. FDR2 is purely RDF/S-based and does not require any additional software components except an RDFS reasoner.

Future work

No data available now.


Positive Aspects: No data available now.

Negative Aspects: No data available now.

Limitations: No data available now.

Challenges: No data available now.

Proposes Algorithm: No data available now.

Methodology: No data available now.

Requirements: No data available now.

Limitations: No data available now.


Download-page: No data available now.

Access API: No data available now.

Information Representation: No data available now.

Data Catalogue: {{{Catalogue}}}

Runs on OS: No data available now.

Vendor: No data available now.

Uses Framework: No data available now.

Has Documentation URL: No data available now.

Programming Language: No data available now.

Version: No data available now.

Platform: No data available now.

Toolbox: No data available now.


Research Problem

Subproblem of: No data available now.

RelatedProblem: No data available now.

Motivation: No data available now.


Experiment Setup: No data available now.

Evaluation Method : No data available now.

Hypothesis: No data available now.

Description: No data available now.

Dimensions: No data available now.

Benchmark used: No data available now.

Results: No data available now.

Access APINo data available now. +
Event in seriesICWE +
Has BenchmarkNo data available now. +
Has ChallengesNo data available now. +
Has DataCatalouge{{{Catalogue}}} +
Has DescriptionNo data available now. +
Has DimensionsNo data available now. +
Has DocumentationURLhttp://No data available now. +
Has Downloadpagehttp://No data available now. +
Has EvaluationNo data available now. +
Has EvaluationMethodNo data available now. +
Has ExperimentSetupNo data available now. +
Has GUINo +
Has HypothesisNo data available now. +
Has ImplementationFDR2 +
Has InfoRepresentationNo data available now. +
Has LimitationsNo data available now. +
Has NegativeAspectsNo data available now. +
Has PositiveAspectsNo data available now. +
Has RequirementsNo data available now. +
Has ResultsNo data available now. +
Has SubproblemNo data available now. +
Has VersionNo data available now. +
Has abstractA vast amount of information resources is
A vast amount of information resources is stored as relational-like data and inaccessible to RDFS-based systems. We describe FDR2 – an approach to integration of relational-like information resources with RDFS-aware systems. The proposed solution is purely RDFS-based. We use RDF/S as a mechanism to specify and perform linking of relational data to a predefined domain ontology. The approach is transformation-free, this ensures that all the data is accessible and usable in consistence with the original data model.
consistence with the original data model. +
Has approachintegration of relational-like information resources with RDFS-aware systems +
Has authorsMaksym Korotkiy + and Jan L. Top +
Has conclusionIn this paper we have introduced FDR2 – a
In this paper we have introduced FDR2 – a technique that enables us to link relational and RDF/S data models. According to FDR2 a relational schema is automatically created to explicate the structure and internal relationships between elements of a relational collection of data. Explication of virtual relations allows the user to construct a relational schema specific RDMap by defining relationships between concepts from the relational schema and a domain ontology. The actual relational data are automatically expressed in RDF according to the generated relational schema. Run-time integration is achieved by applying an RDFS reasoner to merge the above-mentioned components into a single RDFS model and to deduct necessary entailments. A resulting run-time model allows to access the relational data with queries termed according to the domain ontology. FDR2 is purely RDF/S-based and does not require any additional software components except an RDFS reasoner.
ftware components except an RDFS reasoner. +
Has future workNo data available now. +
Has motivationNo data available now. +
Has platformNo data available now. +
Has problemTransforming Relational Databases into Semantic Web +
Has relatedProblemNo data available now. +
Has vendorNo data available now. +
Has year2004 +
ImplementedIn ProgLangNo data available now. +
Proposes AlgorithmNo data available now. +
RunsOn OSNo data available now. +
TitleFrom Relational Data to RDFS Models +
Uses FrameworkNo data available now. +
Uses MethodologyNo data available now. +
Uses ToolboxNo data available now. +