I2MTC 2009

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I2MTC 2009
IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference
Dates May 5, 2009 (iCal) - May 7, 2009
Homepage: imtc.ieee-ims.org/index.php
Location: Singapore, Singapore
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Important dates
Submissions: Oct 13, 2008
Notification: Dec 19, 2008
Table of Contents

The Conference focuses on all aspects of instrumentation and measurement science and technology: research, development and applications.
The list of program topics includes but is not limited to:

Theoretical foundations
Quantities, units & standards
Calibration & self-calibration
Measurement uncertainty
Methodology of teaching

Automated test & diagnostics systems
Fault-tolerant & resilient measurement systems
Integrated & visual measurement systems
Distributed measurement systems
Autonomous measurement systems
Non-invasive measurement systems
Virtual measurement systems
Measurement microsystems
Human-computer interface

Sensors & transducers
A/D and D/A converters
Analog & mixed signal processing
Measurement signal generation
Remote measurements & telemetry

Mathematical modeling of signals and systems
Data preprocessing & postprocessing
Digital signal processing
Image processing & pattern recognition
Inverse problems & signal reconstruction
Signal detection & classifi cation
Sensor array processing
Soft computing
Measurement-data management

Electrical & power measurements
Dielectric & magnetic measurements
Temperature, moisture & humidity measurements
Mechanical measurements & material analysis
Optical measurements
Chemical & biological measurements

Robotics & industrial monitoring
Automotive & transportation
Avionics & aerospace
Ships and marine technology
Environmental monitoring
Medicine & scientifi c research
Security & biometrics

Potential authors are invited to submit extended abstracts via the I²MTC website (http://imtc.ieee-ims.org/). Each extended abstract (3 or 4 pages
in English) should report results of the original research of theoretical or applied nature. The extended abstract should, moreover, explain the
signifi cance of the contribution and contain a list of key references. It must be prepared according to the abstract preparation guidelines provided
on the I²MTC website. A Student Paper Contest will be held for both graduate and undergraduate student papers, with cash awards for the best
papers and travel subsidies ranging from USD 300 to USD 1000 depending on student location. Extended abstracts should be submitted by the
students according to the rules posted on the website and should be identified as student papers.

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "I2MTC 2009"
AcronymI2MTC 2009 +
End dateMay 7, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates1° 17' 24", 103° 51' 7"Latitude: 1.2899166666667
Longitude: 103.85190833333
Has location citySingapore +
Has location countryCategory:Singapore +
Homepagehttp://imtc.ieee-ims.org/index.php +
IsAEvent +
NotificationDecember 19, 2008 +
Start dateMay 5, 2009 +
Submission deadlineOctober 13, 2008 +
TitleIEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference +