ICECS 2016

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ICECS 2016
9th International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science
Event in series International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science
Dates 2016/09/24 (iCal) - 2016/09/26
Location: Toronto, Canada
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Important dates
Submissions: 2016/06/01
Notification: 2016/06/25
Table of Contents




  • Co-Organizers
  • General Co-Chairs
    • Liakopoulou-Kyriakides, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
    • Khalil Hanna, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, France
Facts about "ICECS 2016"
AcronymICECS 2016 +
End dateSeptember 26, 2016 +
Event in seriesInternational Conference on Environmental and Computer Science +
Event typeConference +
Has PC memberSerdar Celik +, Wenchuan Ding + and Jason Matthews +
Has coordinates43° 39' 13", -79° 23' 2"Latitude: 43.653480555556
Longitude: -79.383933333333
Has general chairLiakopoulou-Kyriakides + and Khalil Hanna +
Has location cityToronto +
Has location countryCategory:Canada +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationJune 25, 2016 +
Start dateSeptember 24, 2016 +
Submission deadlineJune 1, 2016 +
Title9th International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science +