IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility
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Categories: Microwave engineering
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Table of Contents | |
The following events of the series ICMIM are currently known in this wiki:
Number of Submitted and Accepted Papers (Main Track)
Acceptance Rate
"The conference covers all key enabling technologies for intelligent mobility, including components, circuits, systems, and signal processing. Potential applications address automated land, sea, and airborne vehicles, automotive radar and other sensing techniques, navigation and localization, mobile communications, driver assistance, and over-the-air testing."
Organizers: IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) https://www.mtt.org/
Previous Dates: ICMIM 2019 4/15/2019 - 4/16/2019 Detroit MI, United States ICMIM 2018 4/16/2018 - 4/17/2018 Munich, Germany ICMIM 2017 3/19/2017 - 3/21/2017 Nagoya, Japan ICMIM 2016 5/19/2016 - 5/20/2016 San Diego CA, United States ICMIM 2015 4/27/2015 - 4/29/2015 Heidelberg, Germany