ICPP 2017

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ICPP 2017
46th International Conference on Parallel Processing
Event in series ICPP
Dates 2017/05/03 (iCal) - 2017/06/03
Homepage: www.waset.org/conference/2017/03/rome/ICPP
Location: Rome, Italy
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Important dates
Submissions: 2017/02/27
Notification: 2017/05/08
Camera ready due: 2017/07/23
General chairs: Wu Feng
PC chairs: Anne Benoit, Daniel S. Katz
Workshop chairs: Federico Silla
Keynote speaker: Michael Klein, Laura Grigori, David May
Table of Contents



The 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2017) will be held in Bristol, UK during August 14-17, 2017.


Architecture, including processor; memory; I/O; network; instruction-, thread- and data-level parallelism; accelerators & other special-purpose hardware; power-aware/energy-efficient; performance
Algorithms, including combinatorial and numerical; scheduling; power- aware/energy-efficient; machine learning; modeling & analysis; scalability
Applications, including big data; data analytics; computational science & engineering (e.g., aerospace, arts; biology, finance, geology); scalability
Software, including systems software; middleware; programming models, languages, and environments; compilers; operating systems; run-time systems; resource management; performance modeling and evaluation