ICRA 2018

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ICRA 2018
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Event in series ICRA
Dates 2018/05/21 (iCal) - 2018/05/26
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Important dates
Workshops: 2017/09/15
Submissions: 2017/09/15
Notification: 2018/01/26
Papers: Submitted 2598 / Accepted 1056 (40.6 %)
Organizers: IEEE
General chairs: Alex Zelinsky, Frank Park
PC chairs: Peter Corke, Nancy M. Amato, Megan Emmons, Yoshihiko Nakamura, Markus Vincze
Seminars Chair: Robert Mahony, Jessica Hodgins
Keynote speaker: Paul Newman, Louis L. Whitcomb, Jim Ostrowski, Angela Schoellig, Sami Haddadin, Neil Gordon, Goldie Nejat, Matthew Dunbabin, Stefan B. Williams, Stefan Hrabar, Lydia Kavraki, Jana Kosecka, Daniela Rus, Dana Kulic, Pieter Abbeel, Margarita Chli, Ken Goldberg, Richard Vaughan
Table of Contents

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