ICSEE 2026

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ICSEE 2026
10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering
Ordinal 10th
"th" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 10.
Dates 2026/01/16 (iCal) - 2026/01/18
Homepage: http://www.icsee.org/
Submitting link: https://www.icsee.org/sub.html
Location: Sydney, Sydney, Australia
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Important dates
Submissions: 2025/08/15
Registration link: https://www.icsee.org/reg.html
General chairs: Prof. Xiaolin Wang, University of Tasmania
PC chairs: Prof. Firoz Alam, RMIT university, Assoc. Prof. Wenming Yang, National University of Singapore
Keynote speaker: Prof. C. K. Michael Tse (Fellow, IEEE) City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Tony Wood Grattan Institute, Prof. Dennis Y.C. Leung the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Prof. Minxiao Han North China Electric Power University, Assoc. Prof. Eric Hu The University of Adelaide
Table of Contents

Publication All papers submitted to the conference will be subjected to the rigorous peer-review process. ICSEE 2026 all accepted papers will be pubished into ICSEE 2026 Conference Proceedings, which submitted for *Ei Compendex*, and *Scopus* and are expected to be widely read and cited. International Journal of Sustainable Energy. It is abstracted and indexed in ESCI, Scopus (Citescore 2021: 4.5), EBSCO, and so on.

Contact Ms. Veronica Reed Website: http://www.icsee.org/ Email: icsee@chairmen.org Tel: +86-137-3111-1131