ICVL 2017

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ICVL 2017
ICVL 2017 : The 12th International Conference on Virtual Learning
Dates 2017/10/28 (iCal) - 2017/10/28
Homepage: http://www.c3.icvl.eu
Location: Sibiu, Romania
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Important dates
Submissions: 2017/08/30
Table of Contents

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NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH 2010 - Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society - 2030

The 12th International Conference on Virtual Learning

- The Conference has no Fee

October 28, 2017 SIBIU, ROMANIA - EUROPE

Location of Conference: „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Department of Computer Science and Electrical - The Faculty of Engineering; Address: Street Emil Cioran no. 4, Sibiu, 550025 , Sibiu, ROMÂNIA, ROMÂNIA

Organizers: University of Bucharest, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu in cooperation with SIVECO Romania

Sponsors: Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation, SIVECO SA company, Bucharest, Romania

Homepage: http://c3.icvl.eu; Email (for abstracts and full papers): vlada[at]fmi.unibuc.ro

Deadline for abstracts: AUGUST 30, 2017 | Deadline for Full Paper: SEPTEMBER 10, 2017 | List of Accepted Papers: September 15, 2017

Description: Phase II - Period 2010-2020: e-Skills for the 21st Century - The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields; - To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality; - To create a framework for a large scale introduction of the e-Learning approaches in teaching activity; - To assist the teaching staff and ICT professionals in the usage of the modern technologies for teaching both in the initial and adult education

POST-CONFERENCE: The Organisation Committee will elaborate until the ICVL opening, the volume with the conference's papers and the CD (with ISSN 1844 - 8933, Print and online, ISI Proceedings, accessed via Web of Science).

AIMS: - The implementation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) according to the European Union Framework-Programme (Horizon 2020) - The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and Educational Management fields; - To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, Educational Software and Virtual Reality;

SECTIONS: MODELS & METHODOLOGIES (M&M); TECHNOLOGIES & VIRTUAL LABORATORY (TECH); SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS (SOFT) ; "Intel® Education" - Innovation in education and research (IntelEdu)

Research papers - Major Topics The papers describing advances in the theory and practice of Virtual Environments for Education and Training (VEE&T), Virtual Reality (VR), Information and Knowledge Processing (I&KP), as well as practical results and original applications. The education category includes both the use of Web Technologies, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Applications, New tools, methods, pedagogy and psychology, Case studies of Web Technologies and Streaming Multimedia Applications in Education, experience in preparation of courseware.

Facts about "ICVL 2017"
AcronymICVL 2017 +
End dateOctober 28, 2017 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates45° 47' 51", 24° 9' 7"Latitude: 45.797391666667
Longitude: 24.151919444444
Has location citySibiu +
Has location countryCategory:Romania +
Homepagehttp://www.c3.icvl.eu +
IsAEvent +
Start dateOctober 28, 2017 +
Submission deadlineAugust 30, 2017 +
TitleICVL 2017 : The 12th International Conference on Virtual Learning +