IDEAS 2009
IDEAS 2009 | |
XII Iberoamerican Conference on Requirements Engineering and Software Environments
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Dates | Apr 13, 2009 (iCal) - Apr 17, 2009 |
Homepage: | |
Location | |
Location: | Medellín, Colombia |
Loading map... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap | |
Important dates | |
Submissions: | Nov 1, 2008 |
Notification: | Dec 5, 2008 |
Camera ready due: | Jan 15, 2009 |
Table of Contents | |
XII Iberoamerican Conference on Requirements Engineering and Software Environments Medellin, Colombia, 13-17 April 2009 SCOPE AND MOTIVATION The Iberoamerican Conference on Requirements Engineering and Software Environments, IDEAS, was conceived to stimulate and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience, and to narrow the relations among Iberoamerican research groups working in diverse areas of Software Engineering. IDEAS provides a forum that aims at allowing researchers, educators and professionals to present and discuss the most recent works in several fields of Information Technologies and Computation Theories. The first IDEAS was hosted in 1998 in Torres, Brazil. Since then, the event has successfully taken place in San Jose-Costa Rica (IDEAS'99), Cancun-Mexico (IDEAS'00), Heredia-Costa Rica (IDEAS'01), LaHabana-Cuba (IDEAS'02), Asuncion-Paraguay (IDEAS'03), Arequipa-Peru (IDEAS'04), Valparaiso-Chile (IDEAS'05), La Plata-Argentina (IDEAS'06), Isla de Margarita-Venezuela (IDEAS'07) and Recife-Brazil (IDEAS?08). IDEAS?09 will be hosted in Medell?n, Colombia, and is organized by the Engineering School (Escuela de Ingenier?a) of the EAFIT University. This conference will feature article presentations, tutorial courses, invited lectures, and meetings of research groups with similar interests. IDEAS welcomes articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English, at international level, thereby allowing a bigger interaction between researchers of different Iberoamerican countries. TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Agent-Oriented Software Development * Aspect-Oriented Software Development * Automated Program Generation * Case Studies, Experiences, and Experimental Studies in Software Engineering * Component-Based Software Development * Domain Specific Languages * Formal Methods in Software Engineering * Languages, Methods, Processes and Tools * Market-Driven Software Development * Model-Driven development, Metamodels * Ontologies for Software Engineering * Peer-to-peer Systems * Quality Estimation, Assurance and Evaluation * Requirements Engineering * Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) * Software Architectures * Software Evolution and Maintenance * Software Product Lines * Software Reengineering * Software Reusability * Standardization in Software Engineering * Testing, Verification and Validation * Web Engineering * Web Services PAPER SUBMISSION IDEAS'09 accepts original papers related to the topics of the event. Submissions should be up to 14 pages long in Springer LNCS format ( and should be electronically submitted via the IDEAS web site before ?1 November 2008?. Submissions can be full papers addressing any of the topics of the conference, or short papers of 6 pages, describing ongoing research projects at academic or development environments. All papers must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, and they will be formally peer reviewed and evaluated according to their originality, relevance, technical quality, and adequacy to the conference topics. The best IDEAS'09 paper will be awarded during the event. Moreover, a selection of the papers accepted at IDEAS'09 will be published into a special issue of an international journal. In addition to scientific and experience reports, the conference will host tutorials. Proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail in PDF. The tutorial submission should not exceed five pages. The submission content should include the following: title; abstract (200 words); keywords; presenters (name, e-mail address, affiliation, address, and a brief biography); tutorial objectives; target audience. Proposals should be sent to Antonio Brogi ( and Jo?o Ara?jo ( before the November 1, 2008 deadline. IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission Deadline: November 1, 2008 Notification of Acceptance: December 15, 2008 Camera-ready: January 15, 2009 IDEAS 2009: April 13-17, 2009 ORGANIZING CHAIR Raquel Anaya Universidad EAFIT, Colombia PROGRAM CHAIRS Antonio Brogi Universite di Pisa, Italy Jo?o Ara?jo Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal PUBLICITY CHAIR Carla Silva Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS Alejandra Cechich, GIISCo, UNComa, Argentina Alessandro Garcia, Lancaster University, UK ?lvaro Arenas, CCLRC, UK Amador Duran, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Antonio Brogi, Universidad de Pisa, Italy Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de M?laga, Spain Carla Lima Reis, Universidade Federal do Par?, Brazil Carla Silva, Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil C?sar Acu?a, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain Claudia Pons, Univ. Nacional de La Plata, Argentina Coral Calero, Univ. Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Dan Hirsch, Intel Argentina, Argentina Daniel Riesco, Universidad de San Luis, Argentina Daniela Godoy, UNICEN, Argentina David Fuller, Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Chile, Chile Demetrio Arturo Ovalle, Univ. Nacional, Colombia Elena Navarro, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Ernest Teniente, Univ. Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Spain Ernesto Pimentel, Univ. de M?laga, Spain Fernanda Alencar, Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil Francisco Pinheiro, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil Francisco Ru?z, Univ. Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Gaston Mousques, Universidad ORT, Uruguay Genoveva Vargas-Solar, CNRS, LIG-LAFMIA, France Guilherme Travassos, Univ. Federal R. de Janeiro, Brazil Gustavo Rossi, Univ. Nacional de La Plata, Argentina Hernan Melgratti, Univ. de Buenos Aires, Argentina Isabel D?az, Universidad Central, Venezuela Isabel Brito, Instituto Polit?cnico de Beja, Portugal Jaelson Castro, Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil Jaime Mu?oz, Univ. Aut?n. de Aguascalientes, M?xico Jes?s Garc?a Molina, Univ. de Murcia, Spain Jo?o Ara?jo, Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Jo?o Falc?o e Cunha, Univ. do Porto, Portugal Jon?s Montilva, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela Jos? Antonio Pow-Sang, Pontificia Univ. Cat?lica, Peru Jos? Maldonado, Univ. de S?o Paulo, Brazil Juan Carlos, Trujillo Universidad de Alicante, Spain Juan Hern?ndez, Universidad Extremadura, Spain J?lio Leite, Pontif?cia Univ. Cat?lica, PUC-Rio, Brazil Luca Cernuzzi, Univ. Cat. N.S. de Asunci?n, Paraguay Luis Guerrero, Universidad de Chile, Chile Luis Olsina, Univ. Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina Lyrene Silva, Univ. Estado do R. Grande do Norte, Brazil Marcelo Blois, Pontif?cia Univ. Cat?lica, PUC-RS, Brazil Marcello Visconti, Univ. T?cnica Fed. Santa Mar?a, Chile M?rcio Delamaro, C. Univ. Eur?pides de Mar?lia, Brazil M?rcio Barros, Univ. Federal Estado R. de Janeiro, Brazil Mar?a Lencastre, Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil Miguel Katrib, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba Oscar Dieste, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, Spain Oscar Pastor, Universitat Polit?cnica de Valencia, Spain Rafael Calvo, University of Sydney, Australia Raquel Anaya, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia Regina Braga, Univ Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil Renata Guizzardi, Univ. Federal do Esp?rito Santo, Brazil Ricardo Falbo, Univ. Federal do Esp?rito Santo, Brazil Ruby Casallas , Universidad de los Andes, Bogota Sandra Fabbri, Univ Federal de S?o Carlos, Brazil Silvia Gordillo, Univ. Nacional de La Plata, Argentina Vicente Pelechano, Univ. Polit?cnica de Valencia, Spain Victor Santander, Univ. Estadual Oeste do Paran?, Brazil Xavier Franch, Univ Polit?cnica de Catalunya, Spain
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Facts about "IDEAS 2009"
Acronym | IDEAS 2009 + |
Camera ready due | January 15, 2009 + |
End date | April 17, 2009 + |
Event type | Conference + |
Has coordinates | 6° 14' 40", -75° 34' 25"Latitude: 6.2443388888889 Longitude: -75.573552777778 + |
Has location city | Medellin + |
Has location country | Category:Colombia + |
Homepage | + |
IsA | Event + |
Notification | December 5, 2008 + |
Start date | April 13, 2009 + |
Submission deadline | November 1, 2008 + |
Title | XII Iberoamerican Conference on Requirements Engineering and Software Environments + |