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IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications
Dates May 26, 2008 (iCal) - May 28, 2008
Location: Shangai, China
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Important dates
Submissions: Nov 1, 2007
Notification: Jan 10, 2008
Table of Contents

ICCSC 2008 offers an opportunity to learn about state of the art technologies and industry development for the multimedia wireless Internet of the near future.   ICCSC 2008 welcomes researchers, developers, and business managers in a varied program including both technical sessions and industry-oriented panels.  Speakers will be both local figures and prominent individuals from around the world.  The primary language of this conference is English, but some sessions will be conducted in Chinese.  Accepted papers will be included in the conference Proceedings, IEEE XPlore, and Engineering Index. 

This conference complements IEEE ICC 2008 that will be in Beijing, China, May 19-23, 2008.

Papers and proposals for panel sessions are solicited on a broad range of topics including the following:

- High-capacity cellular mobile systems
- Metropolitan WiMAX/WiFi systems
- Circuits, systems and signal processing for wireless communication
- Low power and low energy circuits and systems
- MIMO, OFDM, CDMA and UWB systems and implementations.
- IP Multimedia Subsystems; multimedia capabilities of systems and terminals
- Intelligent circuit and system design for communications; circuit and device innovations
- New handset and terminal designs and implementation
- Modulation technologies for multimedia traffic
- Wireless network architectures and techniques for multimedia traffic
- Mesh network systems and technologies
- New materials, chips,and circuit designs for high-capacity, multimedia communication
- Performance and system modeling
- Power/battery technologies and controls
- Wireless multimedia applications and business directions
- Industry evolution and structure for broadband wireless communication

Go to Paper Submission to log in to EDAS paper processing system. If you are not already registered as an EDAS user, you will be asked to register here. Click the "Papers" tab. Click the "Submit paper" tab, and enter the requested information.

A paper submitted to ICCSC 2008 should use 10-point Times New Roman font, be no longer than the equivalent of 5 printed pages (including figures) in the conference Proceedings, and be submitted as a .pdf file. More detailed formatting instructions will be provided later to authors of accepted papers.

Submission Deadline: November 1, 2007
Acceptance/rejection notification with review comments: January 10, 2008
Camera-Ready final paper deadline: February 28, 2008

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "IEEE ICCSC 2008"
AcronymIEEE ICCSC 2008 +
End dateMay 28, 2008 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates31° 13' 31", 121° 29' 21"Latitude: 31.225297222222
Longitude: 121.48905
Has location cityShangai +
Has location countryCategory:China +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationJanuary 10, 2008 +
Start dateMay 26, 2008 +
Submission deadlineNovember 1, 2007 +
TitleIEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications +