IJCGA 2017 : International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation

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IJCGA 2017 : International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation
IJCGA 2017 : International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation
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(iCal) - 2017/07/08
Homepage: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=65663&copyownerid=33993
Location: N/A, undefined
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Important dates
Submissions: 2017/07/08
Table of Contents

International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation (IJCGA)Scope and TopicsComputer graphics and animation has become a key technology in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches. The aim of this journal is to be an international peer-reviewed open access forum for scientific and technical presentations and discus the latest advances in Computer graphics and animation.Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the followingComputer GraphicsModelingRenderingHCI/user interfacesGraphical modelsModel ValidationComputer Art3-D object ExtractionAI techniquesComputer Aided Design AnimationComputer AnimationAlgorithms & TechniquesAnimation SystemsMobile Control KinematicsPlausible Motion SimulationAnimation LanguagesRoboticsBehavioral AnimationHuman Figure AnimationCharacter Animation VisualizationVisualization, Virtual Reality and Augmented RealityMedia immersionGraphics User InterfaceInformation VisualizationVisualization SoftwareComputer GamesGraph and Network VisualizationReal-Time SimulationHuman Perception Paper SubmissionAuthors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail : ijcgajournal@airccse.org. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.Important Dates  Submission Deadline:July 08, 2017 Authors Notification:August 08, 2017Final Manuscript Due:August 20, 2017Publication Date:Determined by the Editor-in-Chief.

AcronymIJCGA 2017 +
End dateJuly 8, 2017 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates35° 51' 9", -81° 26' 7"Latitude: 35.852369444444
Longitude: -81.435166666667
Has location cityN/A +
Has location countryCategory:Undefined +
Homepagehttp://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=65663&copyownerid=33993 +
IsAEvent +
Submission deadlineJuly 8, 2017 +
TitleIJCGA 2017 : International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation +