ISCA 2008

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ISCA 2008
The 35th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
Dates Jun 21, 2008 (iCal) - Jun 25, 2008
Location: Beijing, China
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Important dates
Abstracts: Nov 9, 2007
Submissions: Nov 19, 2007
Table of Contents

ISCA 2008: Call for Papers [pdf]

The International Symposium Computer Architecture is the premier forum for discussing new ideas and experimental experiences in computer architecture. This year's conference will be held in Beijing, China, where technical discussions will mix with rich culture and history. Novel papers are solicited on a broad range of topics, including, but not limited to:

    * Processor architectures
    * Multiprocessor and chip multiprocessor architectures
    * Memory systems
    * Storage subsystems
    * Interconnection Networks
    * Hardware support for parallel programming
    * Hardware support for debugging and program correctness
    * Hardware support for reliability and fault tolerance
    * Hardware support for security
    * Hardware support for virtual machines
    * Instruction level, thread level, and data level parallelism
    * Power and energy efficient architectures
    * Application specific, reconfigurable, and embedded architectures
    * Network processor and router architectures
    * Architectures for emerging technologies and applications
    * Impact of technology on architecture
    * Architecture modeling and simulation methodology
    * Performance evaluation and measurement of real systems 

Abstract Deadline: 	Nov 9th, 2007
Final Paper Deadline: 	Nov 19th, 2007 (*)
Conference: 	Jun 21-25, 2008

(*) The final paper deadline already includes a 3-day automatic extension. No further extensions will be given.

For more information on the conference and submission instructions, please visit the conference website: 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "ISCA 2008"
Abstract deadlineNovember 9, 2007 +
AcronymISCA 2008 +
End dateJune 25, 2008 +
Event typeConference +
Has location cityBeijing +
Has location countryCategory:China +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start dateJune 21, 2008 +
Submission deadlineNovember 19, 2007 +
TitleThe 35th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture +